Third Times The Charm

Jun 27, 2011 16:19

So here's part 3.... pretty short, but it's only meant to wrap up loose ends, etc... enjoy? maybe? in any case, let me know what your thoughts on it are, mkay? P.S.: I only make the actors follow my script, Hoshino-sensei was the one to mold them.


Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Everyone knows it. Everyone accepts it. But even so they fight to to hold on. It's human nature to be stubborn creatures.

But sometimes, no matter how much we fight and struggle to hang on to life, it just isn't enough. Everyone fears death. And the one thing we fear more than death for ourselves, is for those we cherish and love the most. It's at these points that you pray to whatever god may be listening. You pray for the precious person that you hold in your arms as you rush to try and find a way to save them, knowing that its already too late. But its because that person is precious to you that you try anyway, and no matter what, you will not give up on that person.

You fear for them. And you also fear being left in this world alone without that person. And for that reason, you try. That person means the world to you, and you haven't been able to tell them that. If they leave you now, without knowing how much they had meant, you know it will haunt you forever. So you try.

Even when you feel that person has already begun to slip across that thin line that separates the living from the dead.

All you know is that you have to try....


"Call: Royal Straight Flush."

"Damn it all!"

Allen chuckled, his grin demonic. It was so easy. Too easy in fact. But all things come to an end eventually. Sighing, he put on the most childish look he could.

"Can you show me where the bathroom is?"

The guards sighed before tossing the keys to a dark haired one. He grumbled something before leading Allen back down the hall. As they passed Kanda, who was still in the cell, they shared a glance, both knowing what to do. Once they left the area, Allen's eyes immediately scanned the room. Bunch of desks and cubicles... and the weapons case, which was down an adjacent hall. He didn't think the lock would be much of a problem.

When they got back to the cell, the guard opened the door to put Allen back in. That's when Kanda got out. Stepping on the guards foot, Allen elbowed him hard in his stomach, grabbing the keys from the guards hand as he fell. The door was already unlocked so Kanda just slipped out. They dashed out the door with the other guards yelling and running after them.

The thing about being in a police station, there tends to be a lot of cops.

"Just keep moving, Sprout." Said Kanda as Allen led them to where he hoped Mugen was being held. Activating his innocence, Allen swung at the lock, startling the guard next to it.

"Edge End!" It was all it took to shatter the metal mesh like glass.

"Hurry, Kanda." Allen said, though Kanda had already located his sword. There was shouting behind them and Allen turned just in time to see the police standing there with their guns trained on them. He wondered if shooting someone qualifies as "warning shots". He was kind of glad that they weren't aimed at him. But the only other one they could aim at was Kanda, and at that point panic shot through him he realized what would happen next. He wished they were aiming at him.

"Kanda!" The other exorcist turned just in time to get tackled by Allen whose body had moved automatically. The shot rang out and though he had rushed to put them under the cover of his cloak, he still wasn't fast enough. The bullet slipped passed just as it covered them and he could feel it bite into his back. With a sharp gasp, he pulled them up and did his best to make an exit in the wall. He could hardly do anymore.

"Oi! Beansprout..." Said Kanda, his voice trailing off as he saw the blood flowing down his back.

"I told you, the name's Allen." He replied weakly, feeling a bit dizzy. Shaking his head, he pulled them into the street and with Kanda's help, managed a steady pace down the street. People looked at them funny and they knew that the police would arrive any moment. Still they kept going. After a few blocks and somehow still managing to stay ahead of the cops, they found a park where it'd be safe to open up a gate.

Only problem was Allen couldn't concentrate properly, his mind refusing to conjure up the lyrics for the lullaby that would get them home. He knew he had to though, not for his sake but Kanda's. If he didn't get them out of there in that moment then he didn't think he'd make it to try again later.

Somehow he managed to remember the song. Allen watched as the white gate appeared. He felt Kanda drag him through. In the distance he could hear sirens and people shout, which he assumed was the police. But the ark closed behind them, the door to that world shut for good.

"Stay awake, sprout." He heard Kanda say, though he had trouble making out the words because they were spoken from the other side of a tunnel.

"My name is Allen." He said. Or at least he thought he said. He couldn't really be sure at this point. Peeling open his eyes, he saw the door that led directly into the Order. He watched as Kanda's hand shot out in order to throw the door open. Before he turned the nob, Allen squeezed his arm. Looking into his eyes, he smiled.

"Hey, BaKanda, just thought I'd say that I think I like you. Imagine that..."

Unable to keep his arm up, he let it fall to his side. He was so tired, so he let his eyes fall shut. The last thing he saw was panic reflected in those dark eyes. The last thing he heard was Kanda calling out his name. Not Moyashi, or beansprout, or any other insult. It was his name. He thought he'd be happy when he finally heard Kanda call his name. But instead, he felt sad, like something was ending, though he couldn't figure out what. It probably didn't matter anyway, so he let it leave his mind, He let all thoughts leave his mind...


Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Everyone knows it. Everyone accepts it. But even so they fight to to hold on. It's human nature to be stubborn creatures.

But sometimes, no matter how much we fight and struggle to hang on to life, it just isn't enough. Everyone fears death. And the one thing we fear more than death for ourselves, is for those we cherish and love the most. It's at these points that you pray to whatever god may be listening. You pray for the precious person that you hold in your arms as you rush to try and find a way to save them, knowing that its already too late. But its because that person is precious to you that you try anyway, and no matter what, you will not give up on that person.

You fear for them. And you also fear being left in this world alone without that person. And for that reason, you try. That person means the world to you, and you haven't been able to tell them that. If they leave you now, without knowing how much they had meant, you know it will haunt you forever. So you try.

Even when you feel that person has already begun to slip across that thin line that separates the living and the dead.

All you know is that you have to try....

After he stopped responding, Kanda burst through the door that led into the Black Order. Almost crashing to the floor, he starts yelling for help. By some stroke of luck, the scientist were around and they rush to his aid, not even taking a moment to completely register the situation. There wasn't any time to.

When they rushs Allen away, Kanda can hardly move. He stands there, staring after them, feeling helpless.

"Kanda!" The call is familiar. Lenalee. Looking toward the source, he sees her running toward him and soon has to deal with her fussing. Everywhere that skin would normally show is covered in bandages except for her face. She keeps asking if he's alright and where they had been. He doesn't answer her. "Your covered in blood. Are you hurt?"

"It's not mine." He finally says, realizing just how injured the white-haired exorcist really is.

"Kanda, where's Allen?" She asks after a moment. He looks in the direction they had taken him. The hospital is that way.

"He'll be alright, right?" Lenalee whispers, following his gaze.

Again, he remains silent. He can hope and pray, but even he knows that wherever Allen had been hit was turning out to be fatal. He can beg whatever god was out there to let him make it through, but the chances were rushing to zero fast. It was all on his own will from that moment. But even that might not be enough.

"Let's go to him, Kanda." Lenalee says quietly, taking his hand and leading him. Around them the scientists are still shocked by the sudden appearance of the two exorcists. They whisper among themselves as they try to put two and two together. Kanda pays them no mind and simply lets the girl in front of him lead him.

They reach the infirmary, which is in organized chaos. Lenalee takes them over to the bed where the Rabbit sits, his eye watching, taking in all in. Deep inside it, Kanda can see that concern as well as confusion. He looks up at Kanda, relief evident in his features. He too is covered in bandages, his arm in a sling.

"Yuu-chan! Your here!" He says happily. Kanda doesn't reply, he only watches the doctors work to save Allen's life. They all just watch, not being able to do anything else.

It takes a while. A long while. It feels like forever times five, even though he knows it has only been an hour or so.

"We'll give him twenty-four hours. Either he'll pull through or he won't." Says the Head Nurse. She gives them a sad smile before leaving them be.

Beside him, Kanda hears muffled sobs from Lenalee, and Lavi's attempts to soothe her. Walking over to Allen's side, he pulls up a chair and sits. The sprout is so pale, one might think he's already dead. The rise of his chest is almost non-existent unless you watched carefully. He sits beside him for twenty-four hours. His eyes never leave Allen's face, even when Kamoui arrives and begins asking questions. He answers them absently, telling him everything that happened. Almost everything. Certain events didn't need to be discussed by anyone. When he leaves, so does Lenalee. Lavi is forced to stay by the Head Nurse. For once he stays quiet though, so Kanda easily forgets he's in the room. After a while, he joins Kanda next to Allen's bed and they sit there until dawn.

In the twenty-four hours, Allen only worsens. He's running a fever, and he often stops breathing for a few seconds. His heart stops as well, but after a few moments it restarts, much to everyone's relief.

"He's fighting." Says Lavi, the hope evident in his voice.

But will it be enough?

The Rabbit soon leaves to get food, promising he'd return with something for Kanda. He's left in the room alone with Allen. Leaning forward, he presses his lips against the others forehead before moving to speak in his ear.

"Don't you dare give up, Walker." He whispers. Sitting back, he continues to watch.


It took four days, but Allen finally began to improve on the fifth day, much to everyone's surprise. No one thought he'd make it through, couldn't even hope after the third day. They had all thought he'd slip at any moment.

"Too bad no one placed any bets." He joked weakly, still fighting the sleep that wanted to pull him under.

"Cause that's everyone first reaction. To gamble on whether or not someone will live. Your crazy." Sighed Lavi, but Allen could tell that he was just relieved. "Only you would do something like that."

Allen laughed, which turned into a coughing fit. Once he was finally over it, he sighed.

"So where's Kanda?" Allen asked. The dark-haired exorcist hadn't been there when he'd woken up, much to his disappointment.

"He's getting cleaned up. He's been here since day one, not sleeping just so he could keep an eye on you."

Blush spread across his cheeks, which made Lavi chuckle in amusement.

"He really did that?"

"We had to bring the food in here just to get him to eat."


They were quiet for a while before Lavi started giving him curious glances.


"Oh nothing. Just wondering..."

"Wondering what?"

"Well, from what I've seen so far, it seems to me something interesting happened between the two of you."

Allen looked away, face burning, only to find Kanda at the door.

"Fuck off, Rabbit." Kanda snapped.

"Aww!! But Yuu!! I wanna know! Why are you always so mean to me?!" Lavi whined, his face set in a pout with alligator tears forming in his eyes.

Allen chuckled at the sight.

"Lavi, nothing 'interesting' happened." He said.

"I beg to differ!" He exclaimed, smirking.

"What do you mean?"

"Yuu-chan called you 'Wal-mmph?!" Kanda had walked up to them and currently had his hand clamped over Lavi's mouth. Allen stared, wondering what was going on.

"Shut it, stupid rabbit." Kanda growled. He pulled him by the back of his shirt and tossed him out the door. Allen heard Lavi land with an oomph.

"No need to be so rough, Yuu-chan."

"I told you not to call me that!" Kanda yelled before slamming the door in Lavi's face. He turned and walked back to Allen's bed, irritation evident in his movements. Allen laughed at him, which started another coughing fit. Thankfully this one didn't last as long as the other.

"So, you were right here the whole time?" Allen asked.

"What if I was?"


"You took a bullet for me. Why wouldn't I?"

"Is that it? Oh..." He felt his chest constrict until he couldn't breath.

"And also because..." Kanda hesitated, unable to continue.

"'Because' what?" Allen asked, perking up. He wanted to laugh at Kanda's expression but held it in.




Sighing, Allen looked at the other in exasperation.

"Show me then."

It was all it took to get Kanda to kiss him. And what a kiss it was.

It started slow, but then when Kanda ran his tongue across Allen's lower lip, he allowed it to grow. He forgot how to breathe the moment they touched.

Breaking away for some much needed oxygen, Allen stared into Kanda's dark eyes, now able to place what he'd always seen in them.

"If you ever pull a stunt like that again, I'll kill you myself, beansprout."

"I told you, my name is Allen. Use it."

"Ask me nicely."


After a moment, Kanda grabbed Allen's hand.

"Don't ever make me worry like that again, Walker."

With a grin, he replied: "Ask me nicely."

fanfiction: kanda and allen, fanfiction

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