!!! Rogue: is it dead?
Arvedui: *round on her* No, it isn't dead, you little demon child! >:|
Rogue: demon?
Arvedui: >:|!! OUT! Get out! Or I'll have you thrown into the dungeon!
Rogue: what'd I do?
Arvedui: I don't know, and I don't much care! OUT! *ROARS*
Rogue: *slaps him*
Arvedui: *BLINK* >:| *picks her up, sets her outside of the door and slams it shut, does the same to the window*
Rogue: *hits the door as hard as she can*
Arvedui: *drags a cabinet over to the door to keep it shut, then opens the window a crack and yells for the guards*
Rogue: *slips off to hide in her room*
Arvedui: *keeps a vigil over his son until he becomes coherent again*
Rogue: *destructive to the castle in general* >:|
Arvedui: *has the guards throw her into one of the dungeon cells reserved for nobility - more plush and less smelly, but confining all the same*
Rogue: ...*sits in a corner and waits*
Theo: I seem to be missing a sidekick, Arvedui
Arvedui: Yes. Give me a couple of days until I'll stop seeing red every time I look at her before releasing her. She'll be fine, she's got the best room.
Theo: *eyes* give her back
Arvedui: No. Not yet, at any rate.
Theo: *glare*
Arvedui: *glares back* By all rights she should be trialled for treason. The only thing saving her is her apparent age. Be content with the fact that she'll just have to wait a few days before continuing to wreck havoc on my home.
Theo: *tosses his hands up* fine.
Arvedui: Good.
Theo: but if Aramdir's stupid enough to take anything pill-shaped she offers him, I'm less inclined to blame her.
Arvedui: Seeing as you seem to have chosen the same act, I don't see how you can blame anyone.
Theo: same act?
Arvedui: Taking a pill-shaped object from Rogue. *glare*
Theo: well, she slipped it into my dinner. I'm teaching her well. >.>
Arvedui: No, you're not. Assassins need to be trained for unquestionable loyalty. ¬.¬
Theo: wouldn't want her to be an assassin.
Theo: that's just messy
Arvedui: Then what is it that you're training her to be?
Theo: never said I was training. Just teaching.
Arvedui: e.e Teaching what then?
Theo: how to drug people. It's not something worth being called training.
Arvedui: You are aware that teaching her something like that just out of the blue, with no connection to any sort of profession is only doing her and the people around her harm, yes?
Theo: it's hard to follow up when she ends up locked in a little room. You want to give it a go?
Arvedui: Mandos, no. She'll have to be untaught too many things. And we don't like each other. ¬.¬
Theo: then stop criticizing me if you aren't willing to do it.
Arvedui: I am willing. She isn't, so much that she'd rather gut me than look at me. That makes all the difference.
Theo: well, she can't get you where she is now. Have fun. I have a drug trip to sleep off.
Arvedui: >:|
Theo: *gone*
Arvedui: *mutters dark things about Rohirrim and Hobbits and where they can stick their various herbs*
And then I talked to Artamir about it, and about other such evils.
Artamir: ......Damn it all.
Arvedui: I second that. >.<
Artamir: I tried making Theo see sense, but it didn't work. e.e
Arvedui: ...We're not talking about the same thing, are we? >.>
Artamir: ....what are you talking about?
Arvedui: My son.
Artamir: I am talking about Theo being on hallucinogens. ¬.¬
Arvedui: >:|!!! ERUDAMMIT! So THAT's how Aramdir got those!
Artamir: Apparently, Rogue gave them to Theo. >.<
Arvedui: >.Artamir: Yes, yes she will. e.e
Arvedui: She's not too young for being trialled for treason, do you think? >.>
Artamir: Arvedui, she's fourteen.
Arvedui: Eighteen, technically. Her body is fourteen.
Artamir: Eighteen is still too young.
Arvedui: Damn and blast. ¬.¬
Artamir: Indeed. >.< If only I could find all those drugs and keep them away from her...
Arvedui: Now, THAT, is something I can manage. *goes to have a quiet word with some guards*
Artamir: *sighs and waits* You think that'll stop this?
Arvedui: *sends the guards off to do their bidding* I think it's a good start. ¬.¬
Artamir: Good. A start is better than nothing.
Arvedui: *sighs* This is the last thing I needed right now... Did you know that people have been complaining about Aramdir? They say he gets drunk and screams like a madman at all hours, and that he does any and all kinds of mischief... *facepalms*
Artamir: >.< You can't find a way to discipline him?
Arvedui: Not without loosing a betrothed >.>
Artamir: ....no other way to discipline him?
Arvedui: I've tried any number of things. He just doesn't care.
Artamir: *sighs* That's sad to hear.
Arvedui: It's a lot more sad to say. ¬.¬
Artamir: *pats* Maybe Firiel can think of something.
Arvedui: *morose* Maybe.
Artamir: We have to think of something. We can't just let this go on, you know.
Arvedui: >.< Of course I know! I just... I have so much to do, and I can't think of anything. He doesn't listen when I talk to him, if I try to confine him to his room he just slips out the window, if I try to give him duties he shirks them off!
Artamir: He doesn't respect you, Arvedui. You have to find a way to gain his respect.
Arvedui: I know that, Artamir. It's the how of it that escapes me. e.e
Artamir: I know he respected you when he was a young boy. What made him lose that?
Arvedui: *sighs* I don't know. Eru, I haven't known anything about him since he was 10 years old >.<
Artamir: So find out. Maybe getting to know him will help.
Arvedui: He tries to run every time I try to get close to him, if I manage to corner him and talk to him he gives me a horrifyingly disgusted look. >.<
Artamir: >.< I wish I knew what to tell you.
Arvedui: *sighs* I wish for a lot of things... None of which seem to be willing to happen. *shakes his head sadly*
Artamir: *pats his shoulder* I'm sure things will work out all right. We'll figure something out.
Arvedui: *sad nod* Thank you.
Artamir: *nods* Oh, uh... not to bring up anything you don't want to think about, but... how is your... father? I haven't really seen him since we got here... ¬.¬
Arvedui: *cringe* Oh, Eru, I actually managed to forget about him. Her. HIM >.<
Artamir: >.< Sorry. "her"? o.O
Arvedui: *nods* >.< Her. And your father, and oh Eru, I need alcohol.
Artamir: What about my father? o.o
Arvedui: >.>
Artamir: .....o.o
Arvedui: There is also the Dunedain legion messed up in all of this >.<
Artamir: ...okay, I don't want to know any more. PLEASE don't tell me any more. >.<
Arvedui: *nods* I'll spare you, though I'd advise you not to talk to any of them, or see any of them. Ever again. Theinbreeding... >.<
Artamir: Eru, you said more. >.< Damnit.
Arvedui: Sorry. >.<
Artamir: I need to scrub my brain with soap now, where to find soap and a way to get in there... >.<
Arvedui: *points to a handy basin of freezing water, which he uses in times such as these*
Artamir: >.< *dumps his head in the water and swishes it about* Out, bad thoughts, out!
Arvedui: *patpatpat* I miss fainting.
Artamir: Can't faint any more?
Arvedui: I promised Theo not to. ¬.¬
Artamir: *pats* aljf;sadjf;asdfjsfj *pats one side of his head, tilting it as if to get water out of his ear, and talks to himself* Oh come on! It wouldn't hurt to leave me with a little sanity!
Arvedui: ... ... ... o.o ... ... ...
Artamir: *looks at Arvedui* ...okay, that's not really helping my sanity, is it. >.< *shakes his head vigorously and hides*
Arvedui: *peers at Artamir in his hiding place* ...I have medications for that, if you want. >.>
Artamir: Oh please, please! *practically pounces Arvedui*
Arvedui: O_O *shock* In my room.
Artamir: *follows and tries to think happy thoughts*
Arvedui: *in his room he rummages in a cabinet, drags out a little ivory box and takes from it a little bottle with tiny blue-ish sausage-like things, hands it over* Two each day until you stop hearing voices. And try to cling to normal-day activities. Eating, riding, and such. >.>
Artamir: *still rather dazed* @.@ Thank you. *takes one now*
Arvedui: ...*gives Art a wary look*
Artamir: *eyedart* what?
Arvedui: >.> Nothing.
Artamir: *shifty-eyed* I think I'll... see the guards about mail and such. That's a nice, normal activity.
Arvedui: *wary nod* Yes, that's good. *pats his shoulder gently* You do that.
Artamir: *goes off, keeping his mind on his task and NOT wanting to see either of their fathers*
Arvedui: >.< *prays to the gods for salvation*