(no subject)

Sep 08, 2006 01:18

So it occured to me that I have yet to give any sort of actual update dealing with life in college...

Basically, my floor rocks a hell of a lot - Leonard 7 has bonded more than I could have possibly imagined - I am well pleased.

Umm...living in DC is pretty cool. I'm not excited when I walk by the white house anymore...lol. and I dunno.
I still have to hit up the smithsonian (since I'm in town - I've been to them all many times before) and like the library of congress and all kinds of places.

Class is pretty cool - for once I actually WANT to be in all my classes.

I'm now taking GERMAN and am actually doing fairly well. I like it a lot - die professorin was born in EAST BERLIN and has worked for our state department and whatnot. It's pretty cool, even though my pronunciation carries over a bit from french (du means you in german for example - and is NOT pronounced as nicely as in french...tear.)

What else...

Shocking news to everybody - I actually went to a club about 2 weeks ago and like...actually DANCED and we all came home sweaty and gross like. It was fun...but I'm not so much jumping up and down to do it again.

Ethnic foods in dc = awesome. Indian (OH MY GOD TAYLOIRE, YOU WOULD DIE), Middle Eastern (SO GOOD), and Ethiopian are like all over the place.
And...nothing beats a lil container of General Tso's Chicken at midnight...lol.



I got a job. I'm the personal assistant to Nancy Snider, director of Applied Music (like, voice and instrument lessons, etc.) as well as chamber music.
SO for my job I get paid good money to work a NON STRESSFUL (it's like...photocopies and bulletin boards...) 10 hour a week thingy. And Nancy is really nice - and I like the art building a lot.

I'm in 2 choirs.
Both by audition.
The first is the AU Chorus. Which I like muchly. We had our first rehearsal on Tuesday and it was SO NICE to be in a room with good acoustics singing the baritone part again!


For those that don't know.
I also got accepted into the choir at the National Cathedral (for those that don't understand, that's kind of a HUGE DEAL).

So, basically - I want people to come see me - and then they can hear me sing!

I still miss Fairport a lot.
And I wish we were doing the crucible (slash, I hope your auditions all went well!).

I'm going to go off to bed, I think
I have class at....10? yeah. TEN tomorrow. and I feel like I should go ahead and get a little sleep (it's 1:30, btw...)

....yes. I was bragging...yes. you folk start at 7:22. Some days, I start at 11:20 and some I'm DONE by 11:20.

with that, I bid you all adieu.
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