When ground, will wear

Oct 15, 2007 00:10

The grind of the semester combined with work has started to get to me. I work 24 hours a week between two jobs and classes. Which sounds bad, but isn't actually. I actually get more work done at work than outside of it. The point is that the mundane grind of the semester has been getting me down because of my lack of free time. I miss having time to my self to just relax.

One of my shifts for ITS is the graveyard shift in Pollock Saturday night. Which translates to no going out, and missing half of Sunday. Story of the shift this week: My shift got changed again from what I originally signed up for. Not that bad, just moved downstairs. I can handle that, except. Don and I get there to find the lab downstairs is locked. Thinking this was a good sign we go upstairs and clock in. After the consultant that was there left, I log into the computer to see that I was clocked out and could not clock back in because it was an "invalid shift." (you can only clock in at the computer lab you are assigned to) On top of that, there was another consultant there who was taking my spot on the shift. Confused, we checked the schedule and this kid did actually sub the unoccupied spot and I was still supposed to be in the locked lab. We call remote to unlock the lab, they arrive and don't have the key. He calls campus security to open it up. To my surprise Jessi is working, who I haven't seen in a while. We get the lab open, to find out that we can't let the door close because its still locked from the outside. I stuffed the carpet in the doorway to keep it open for the night. In the morning I learned how to keep them open, which would have been useful 8 hours earlier.

The overnights are actually kind of fun to work. Granted they mess up the day after, but they're still fun. Though 8 hours of early morning are a funny time when you haven't rested before hand. Around 6 in the morning Don and I got to talking about Christmas. Yeah, Christmas. Together we end up planning a Christmas party to be held later that day. Make the facebook event for it and send out invitations.

Fast forward to 8pm. Decked out in khakis and a sweater, ready to just chill with friends and celebrate Christmas in October. (Also dubbed Octobermas) Have a table filled with cocoa, pies, cookies, cider, and Miroki with lights. (My bonsai tree for those unfamiliar) People just start showing up. The lil bro, Don, Lauren, Danny, Meloy, Kevin, Jess, and the residents of the snake pit. I had a great time, I really did. It was nice and relaxed and exactly what I wanted. Aside from watching a Christmas story and family guy, we managed to get some caroling in. I'm sure our neighbors love us.

And here I am, not really wanting to do homework with some more cleaning to be done. I think I'm going to call it a night and leave the rest for tomorrow.
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