I decided I needed to post something. So I did. Anyway, I've finally got my luggage back. US Airways lost it a for a while, but they got it back to me yesterday. Today I went on my first road march with my SAW. 5.6 miles carrying a 20 lb weapon and a spare barrel may not seem like much, but think about it this way: Two hours of non-stop walking, unable to put down a 25 lb. weight. It sucks. Especially the first mile and the last one. Then I did nothing but sit around, smoke and eat a couple meals of field rations. For four hours. At noon, we went back to the barracks for a piss test. Then sat around until 6 doing fuck-all. Sometimes a 13-hour-day is a good thing, but those are few and far between.
Anyway, I caugt this meme floating around, and I snagged it.