Oct 22, 2007 22:56
this came to me tonight after having talked to Renee (the wonderful woman who is watching rocket and lizzie) and Dr. Tast (her vet) over the phone in the am about it being time to let lizzie go. she had lost half her body weight over the past week and there was nothing that could be done other than make her as comfortable as she could be. Dr Tast and i discussed putting her to sleep to end her suffering and i had a few arrangments to make. as much as it hurt me to do so, i knew it was the right thing to do for lizzie.
renee sent this email just after 8pm tonight.
Just wanted to touch base with you and thought email would be a good way.
I wanted you to know that I had brought my bun Angus and Lizzie to work with me because they were both having a tough time as you knew. Now, you can think I am corny (which is why I am writing this and not telling you over the phone!). But after I spoke to you I checked on them and they were hanging in there…I went back out about an hour later and Lizzie was slowly slipping away. I rubbed her ears, propped her back up on her warm water bottles and readjusted her head and she just left. I wanted you to know that she went on her own terms, not sure if that makes you feel better or not. Sometimes they know when you are ready and she knew it was ok with you. I brought her to Dr. Tast who took her and will take care of her next stopping place. Just wanted you to know. It was a pleasure to know her for the short time I did and to care for her warmed my heart…I only wish she had pulled through.
I will be in touch and will return your call from today.
i'll miss you, lizzie-butt. thank you for being a part of my life.