(no subject)

Nov 18, 2003 22:10

Hi, gang, it's me again, back with another sporadic 'oops, I have a journal which I should update' post.

The good news this week is that it would appear PayPal have dropped charges. After getting a fat lot of no response from their finance company (who claimed it would take a week to raise a report) my mother and I emailed PayPal directly, explaining the circumstances. After a couple of days of banging our heads against the stony brick wall of "Please log in to the appropriate account and email us from that" it appears that the matter is sorted. They informed me that I cleared $2000 or so into my bank accounts and paid out a lot more, leaving me with an unpaid debt of over $2000. They gave me the details of when and how these debt had been incurred, which I have explained to them in little words so as not to confuse them is not my debt. I have received an apology which I read as it is now safe for me to breathe again.

Makes you a little wary of using the site at all. Merf.

Okay, onwards and upwards from there... Only not, it's more sort of a sideways shift into these new M&G rules. Now, as far as I know, I am on the Cardiff list, but that's probably because I did the pop-up wrong (although I thought I'd done it right) and am most likely now facing the revoke of my Underground privs. Mind you, my 15% I have only used once and the package I got because I was mug enough to join. I love the guys, no doubt about it. There have been times when it's seriously kept me sane listening to them. But they have no brought in this rule. For the first (in this case five) day or so, only new members of the Underground will be allowed to sign up for the M&G. Now, call me selfish, but the warnings for the pop-ups go out with plenty of time for everyone to be alert. Just because someone who has not met the band before went to bed and I did not doesn't mean that I should be prevented from attending the M&G whilst they get another day's grace. Over here, it's really not so much of a problem (although I feel for the people going to Wembley, I really do, because that one is full) - there are still places with 5 days to go. My friends in the States, however, know almost for certain that there is no chance of getting onto the M&G lists if only people who have no met the band are allowed to sign up.

Don't get me wrong. I can see what has made them think that this is a good plan. I just don't agree, and will never agree. What do we fans who have been with the band since the beginning get for our troubles now? Becasue you cannot deny, the only reason most of us joined the LPU was because of those famous M&G experiences, right? You sure didn't join to show fan solidarity. Pull the other one, it's got bells on. I didn't join until July 2002, so I was 9 months behind most people, I'll admit. But that is still membership since v.1.0 was still live. Here we are approaching v.3.0. I'd like to know why this rule wasn't implimented from day one? I mean, sure, I will still sign up for v.3.0, there's no doubt about it, because of the potential LPU privs that I would be eligible for. I'm just painfully aware that more Brits join yearly, and pretty soon, 100 places is going to disappear as fast this side of the Atlantic as they do the other... and that, quite frankly, sucks for those of us with the dedication and the want to see something we love. As I said to Jen earlier, my copy of Hybrid Theory doesn't mention Phoenix at all...

In happier news - and seriously this time - my jacket/hoodie thing arrived from bandmerch this morning. That will be making the trip to Birmingham and Cardiff with me. Solidarity indeed. Gotta represent. I need to find my other DC. I kicked them off the other day and I'm fucked if I have the vaguest clue where one of them went... Ahem. Only a few days left to go. I'm very excited. I need to pop into town at the weekend for cameras, because it's only a short while until EuroDisney as well. Wow, this year has disappeared...

I might witter about my job tomorrow. Right now, I'm going to go huff because - 1, my account isn't paid, and 2, even if it was, I very much doubt there's a UK number for phoneposting. That sounds terribly exciting. Correct me if I'm wrong, folks...
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