
Feb 20, 2008 20:04

The house is quiet and cold, and I've done all the online stuff i needed to do and don't reallyhave the energy to do much else around the house, So I figured I could at least post here and give people who care a chance to read something I wrote. No, I don't particuarly know why that seems relevant, but does.

wow\rk is work. My boss is out for the week from bladder surgery so I'm in charge. been in charge since Friday where we knew we were losing one staff and another decided to give approximately one hours notice. so Friday was amusing.
Didn't work Monday, and this week is pretty on track to be non eventful. spent time cleaning out my office and computer, and then working on Hope's database which really I'm not actually supposed to do, but the Boss isn't around to complain so it gets done and money gets recouped.

Amtgard seems to be going well. quals was last week and I qualled for Duke, so I guess that means I take office mid March. the scores were kind of surprising because items I thought would score well didn't, and items I thought would be barely passible did much better than honestly they should have. That is part ofthe random nature of judging I guess. the after party on saturday was fun. had some fun and headed home only to need to come back and fix a serpentine belt on Allison's van. got that fixed and headed home in time to get up and get to warskills. warskils was alright, and by having quals on two seperate days it actually allowed me to use the items I entered in the tourney. the staff, though well scoring, did not work very effectively in the open category, though it did let me shove oaces around a bit.

Ryan's was decent.

The sunday afterparty was pretty good till the end. Then it went south pretty ard. if you were there, then you know, and if not, then you don't need to. needless to say it, and the trip to Peoria afterwards gave me a lot of time to think about things going on in my life and how my choices, whether or not I intend them to, affect others outside of myself. And it's forcing me to accept responsibility for my own actions, and all of their consequences, intended or not. That is weighing on my pretty heavy right now and things are being adjusted to better deal with that.

And this weekend I'm helping run Kingdom quals in Indy. in the beginning I was looking forward to it, but I can't really say that right now. much of me just wants it over and done with. And I'm praying that nobody starts any shit over it, bcause I really don't have it in me to deal with. My goal it to turn on autopilot and just get through it. It should be fine. the system is prepped and has been play tested and worked well. te site is indoors and ready. we have several tables and likely will have more by then. So just have to push forard and get it over with.

And then there are other quals going on that we've been asked to participate in. I'm pretty ambivelant about them, honestly. They sound like fun, and all I have to do is judge, but I don't find myself getting excited about it. the ability to get excited is lacking right now.

And then I'm Duke again. I had one decent reign as Duke, and no one else was stepping up, so I'm taking charge again. Last time it felt like an opportunity. right now the next term feels like a chore. I'll probably still do an ok job, but the park deserves better than ok, and I'm not sure I'll have it in me when the time comes. I hope I do. Still have to find out who the regent will be. either will be acceptable, so I'll just wait and see.

finances are getting beter. with taxes I should be able to pay one more credit card off, and Alicia will be buy a car. thelast credit card should be paid off in September, barring any catastrophs, so no clue what will happen then. there is finally seeming to be light at the end of that tunnel, but I've thought that before.

hmm, anything else? had a dream last night where I was trying to drive a stick shift, but nothing was cooperating to make it possible. The shifte was huge and required all kind of work to make it change gears and all ofthe pedals were well off the floor of the car and oversized, so they kept catching pant legs and tripping me up. The landscape felt like Macarthur blvd, so I guess part of it had to do with the Cars we're getting for Alicia since it kind of felt like Driving back from the kincaids. I just was mostly out of control of the car on the drive home. lots of ways to interpret that.

i think that's probably enough emo rambling for now. I'll save you guys the misery of the rest.
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