
Jan 04, 2005 09:32

I'm oh so tired. Not just physically but mentally right now. I think it's the medicine I'm on. Of that I'm not entirey sure. I go to the doctor today to tell him 'Doc, I'm really fucked up and this med is not working yet again'. I'm getting really tired of trying medicine after medicine and missing work when I hurt or having to work when I Hurt because I don't have the time off for it. I need either:

  1. To marry someone independantly wealthy.
  2. Get a huge inheritence... but with the size of my family, there'd have to be like, 25 people die before I got any kind of inhertence worth talking about.
  3. Win the lottery... which I waste money on already so that would't be such a problem would it?

The roommates, Waya and Ottergrrl have mentioned seperate housing now. I have only two things keeping me from just moving in with my parents again. One of those reasons is one of the reasons the roommates are leaving... my cats. They are little devils. My parents would never put up with them. The other is Ke4peo. My parents would not take in another person again I don't think.

I'm considering searching out disability from the government. Any thoughts on this?
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