Natsuo's sick, and Soubi didn't show up for his birthday party. I guess I'm not so good at throwing these things.
Natsuo's going to stay with me till he gets better. It shouldn't be too long though.
[private/easily hackable]
I don't know what to do with Soubi's birthday present or the cake. I guess I can give them to him the next time I see him. I'll tell him the voucher is good whenever I give it to him. I just, really wanted to give him a happy birthday.
Natsuo's got a bad fever though. I gave him something for it, but I don't know if it's going to help with everything. Some bed-rest and maybe a bit more tea will probably help too. I wonder if he really does like Natsuo like that. He used to give the guy baths ... and strip him.