(no subject)

Mar 11, 2007 01:58

Zypherus: apparently my computer shut down while I was gone
ArashiDrgn: huh
Zypherus: and all that stuff I had typed up is now gone, fuck
Zypherus: So I figure to use a special character mark on this character list to denote who plays what
Zypherus: http://www.tntluoma.com/sidebars/codes/
Zypherus: I'm just not sure what symbols to use
Zypherus: so that it's an easy glance to tell who plays what
ArashiDrgn: kay
Zypherus: I suppose I'll just use superscript 1 and 2
ArashiDrgn: ok ok, now I can concentrate on what's going on over here
Zypherus: welcome back
ArashiDrgn: ok, so you want Thanatos to do some investigation in the valley under the pretense that he's just there to check up on his primary buisness contact
Zypherus wants to directly connect.
ArashiDrgn is now directly connected.
ArashiDrgn: while his cover story isn't the greatest, I can live with it, question is what information is he trying to pick up? The location of Malcolm?
ArashiDrgn: furthermore, him talking with Vind is risky information for us because if he at any time mentioned this to Dae she would know Marli was there and start asking questions
ArashiDrgn: Orthos is good company for Kayloni, and I think he would help convince Kirlath to jump onto the white lady bandwagon :O
ArashiDrgn: neat
Zypherus: 1) yes, to find where Dae has hidden Malcolm, I've got some more info on this, we'll come back to it
2) I've got nothing. Kayloni would never let Marli go because she knows that Dae knows Marli. So yah, I didn't think of that. ::stabs Marli::
3) Orthos + Kirlath = win
Zypherus: Marli has the flu, she can't come to rp that day
ArashiDrgn: bumbling idiot +bumbling idiot? Yes I know that's not entierly accurate
Zypherus: bumbling genius + bumbling idiot
Zypherus: Orthos is bumbling, but he's smart
ArashiDrgn: I don't think Kiralth is a bumbling idiot
ArashiDrgn: desperate underdog?
Zypherus: sure
Zypherus: the obvious solution here is to kill Marli again
ArashiDrgn: I'm not entierly liking Thantos infiltration for these reasons, it's also not his style
Zypherus: WWTD?
ArashiDrgn: hate you
Zypherus: XDD
ArashiDrgn: WWDD?
ArashiDrgn: versus, WWKD
ArashiDrgn: my personal favorite is WWBD what would batman do?
Zypherus: but seriously, so what would Thanatos do? Considering this: he knows what Kayloni wants. What would he do to achieve that?
ArashiDrgn: he doesn't know the situation in the valley, step one for him would be investigation of the valley from afar. A lot of hide and move silent
ArashiDrgn: then he'd figure out that the valley is full of half dragons and come back with WTF Kayloni what's going on?
Zypherus: That's the perfect begining for a rping scene
Zypherus: Just open up with ::Thanatos walks into camp:: "WTF Kayloni?"
ArashiDrgn: lol
Zypherus: Kayloni "OMGBBQ"
ArashiDrgn: Orthos "BYOB?"
ArashiDrgn: Marli "ROFLCOPTER! >D"
Zypherus: shit
Zypherus: I was trying to drink cola when you posted that
Zypherus: thanks, coke up the nose not fun
ArashiDrgn: mousey thinks it's cool
ArashiDrgn: so once he sees a bunch of half dragons they're going to have a bunch of question marks above there heads
ArashiDrgn: They will probably want to talk to one of these crazy LA 3 people
Zypherus: marli roflcopter was a gem, btw
ArashiDrgn: I know it!
Zypherus: Kirlath?
Zypherus: a troubled Kirlath haunted by strange memories of his recent ritual
ArashiDrgn: oh right, I forgot about that
Zypherus: y'know I read you other post as "Los Angeles" and not "level adjustment"
ArashiDrgn: the problem is they're a bunch of outsiders with no easy way into this civilization, they'd have to start off very very small and careful when they talk to people
ArashiDrgn: you silly
Zypherus: like Kirlath
ArashiDrgn: yes, like him
Zypherus: then what?
ArashiDrgn: they talk to Kirlath, he tells them his story, I think they could put two and two together?
ArashiDrgn: Thanatos finds the place where they originaly ddropped off dragons and from there figures out where the entrance to the cave is?
Zypherus: sounds good
Zypherus: Kayloni either doesn't know how to fix the dragons, or she does know, but because she's been fartin' around instead of gathering followers, doesn't have enough power to help them, maybe a bit of both?
ArashiDrgn: Kayloni tries to use her divine grace to lead the black one out of the cavern but only manages to drag him half way, later Vind punishes that one, explains Jayrins Day Out better
Zypherus: Oooo
Zypherus: good one
ArashiDrgn: so she's stuck, unable to help them. Kirlath introduces them to some of the people still in the mountains which refuse to join Dae, they can stay there untill he returns
Zypherus: Kayloni leaves to go back to the village
ArashiDrgn: make sure they're raising that egg right?
Zypherus: that and russel up a few more followers
ArashiDrgn: she needs to get her power level over 9000
Zypherus: :D
Zypherus: ever play Black & White?
ArashiDrgn: nope
Zypherus: I think we've got a good plan
ArashiDrgn: oh, are we still directly connected?!
Zypherus: I think so
Zypherus: thats so wrong
Zypherus: So were you by any chance curious as to what I was planning with Kale and Phael?
Zypherus: (they rhyme!)
ArashiDrgn: a bit
Zypherus: He planned to hang on Phael until after new moon, then he was going to try to ransom Phael back to Dae and Vind in return for Kira.
ArashiDrgn: but he's not that expensive a poker chip, and Dae is already tracking him to the bay
Zypherus: Yep. Sucks to be Kale right now
ArashiDrgn: so it's WW2 time in my world civ class, and I have to say this sounds something like germany at the end of the war, except instead of russia and the alies on either side Dae has Kale and kayloni on either side
Zypherus: Never thought of it that way
Zypherus: You know eventually this will all boil down to a huge climactic battle scene
ArashiDrgn: Daes masses of countless Dz'isu vs. Kaylonis 300 in a narrow canyon?
Zypherus: lol, yes
Zypherus: is Vind like Xerxes?
ArashiDrgn: ::shrug::
Zypherus: that wasn't punchy enough, where your witty comeback?
ArashiDrgn: I honestly couldn't remember which one xerxes was, they all have funky names
Zypherus: the king of persia
ArashiDrgn: I remember now
ArashiDrgn: when you see him in the movie you'll be, god damned!
Zypherus: I've seen him in the special previews
ArashiDrgn: you need to see his throne
ArashiDrgn: it's like, I wonder if this guy is in charge
Zypherus: ::bounces::
ArashiDrgn: o.o
Zypherus: I'm all psyched now, I'm untangled. all the rp ideas are workin' out
Zypherus: now I just wanna kill someone
ArashiDrgn: e.e
Zypherus: but I don't know who
ArashiDrgn: ::throws protective bubble over Eos::
Zypherus: No no, not touching Eos
ArashiDrgn: not touching him, not even . . . sexualy >.> <.< >.>
Zypherus: .....
Zypherus: ::stab::
ArashiDrgn: bwahahaha
ArashiDrgn: Gay griphons, ZING
Zypherus: XO
ArashiDrgn: eragon is going to be on DVD
ArashiDrgn: for some reason I desire owning this movie
Zypherus: damnit gay gryphosn
ArashiDrgn: lol
ArashiDrgn: you know ironicaly I don't have any furry pics of gay griphons
Zypherus: I've seen'em
ArashiDrgn: maybe a griphon with some other species, but never just two griphons
Zypherus: vcl
Zypherus: it was a long time ago
ArashiDrgn: usualy griphons and dragons, or griphons and unicorns
ArashiDrgn: are we talking decent art, or bad scribbles?
Zypherus: decent line art
Zypherus: put a post up on fchan under /male for griffons, I'm sure you'll get something
Zypherus: I don't have enough characters I can afford to kill, and killing an NPC just isn't the same. You took Umbra away from me ::pout::
Zypherus: and I dont want to kill Phael because eventually I want someone to break the enchantment on him and free him and he'll take sides with Kayloni
Zypherus: killing Kale or Kira is pointless unless you kill both at the same time
Zypherus: can't kill Ashii, too new. Can't kill Marli already tried, can't kill Aurora no reason, can't kill Umbra already tried, can't kill Kirlath barely alive, and now I'm out of characters.
ArashiDrgn: why do you need to kill someone?
Zypherus: I get a devilishly sinful glee out of doing it? >.>
Zypherus: but seriously, I never do it unless it means something to the story, you know that
ArashiDrgn: nyrrrr
Zypherus: we need more redshirts, btw
ArashiDrgn: Davena want s a well rounded, fully developed character to kill, but anyone I spend that much time on I don't want to die : /
Zypherus: the easiest solution is to kill Shandryn
ArashiDrgn: ; . ;
Zypherus: because then she just becomes Shand'ria
Zypherus: >.> not really though <.<;
ArashiDrgn: and when she gets rezzed again, she forgets more, and would totaly be like, dz'isu friends! who's Charmth? lets all go get icecream!
Zypherus: :D
ArashiDrgn: why do my fingernails grow back so fast?
Zypherus: you have lots of protein in your diet
ArashiDrgn: carnivor
Zypherus: dirty carnivore
Zypherus: and yes, I enjoyed the Ilessa/Ashii rp ¬.¬;
ArashiDrgn: lol
ArashiDrgn: that's it Davena, give into your pervertedness,leave your friends behind and join me on the dark side!
Zypherus: Nooooooo!
Zypherus: soooo...
Zypherus: :D
Zypherus: stop playing WoW damnit
ArashiDrgn: I'm actualy about to go to bed
Zypherus: Ah :P
Zypherus: :P do it again!
Zypherus: Jared says he had fun, btw
Zypherus: he actually wants to play it again, soon
ArashiDrgn: sunday then
Zypherus: He's got work
Zypherus: and before work we're going to see 300
ArashiDrgn: ok
ArashiDrgn: bed now
Zypherus: gnight
ArashiDrgn signed off at 1:55:40 AM.
ArashiDrgn direct connection is closed.

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