Mar 05, 2008 15:38
I'm finally about all cought up in school. Guh! I just might start going to the editing room every other Saturday to keep up. That's ok, it's the nature of 17 credit hours. I've been getting up around 9 am and go go go till about 11 pm. I know people who've had it worse. At least mines not physical, aside from all the walking.
Sushi Thursday will be happening again tomorrow night for those who choose to risk the adventure chefs Lindsey and I. Last time I ended making tempura sushi too, turned out awesome. I think I'll pick up some cream cheese and try my skills with that and smoked salmon.
I've been sticking hardcore to my diet except for some vegetables and chicken in Chinatown on Sunday, but it only breaks a rule because of all the grease. Can't avoid grease in Chinatown. Except maybe at Emperor's Choice...mmmm.. So I just ate very little. Otherwise it's been good. I haven't had red meat for over a week, crazy. The only thing deep fried was tempura maki. My arteries just won't know what to do with themselves. I continue to work out every other day, taking out my stress in crunches and push-ups.
Stress is a hurting, not causing, factor in ulcers, so if I seem more laxidazical or curiously calm lately I'm just trying to practice a more peaceful mindset... HAHA...17 hours...HAHA.... anyways. I'm trying to practice quiet time in my brain while traveling. Basically trying to think on nothing and telling my ADD head to stfu. Reserving brain power for more important moments. Like writing that paper I just did on Paul Hirsch. Researching film editors is like trying to find info on people who spend their lives in dark rooms, never going outdoors, and have no social life, oh wait.