Jul 05, 2004 14:15
im so sick of this... my parents ask what i want to do in college... i tell them and they tell me no. im nearly 18, im going to school on student loans... i'll study what i want.
i want to study photography... i really really do. but apparently ive shown no interest in it. (yea... thats why i have shoe boxes full of pictures...) and also, in case anyone was wondering, im not any good at it. at all. and well... im just not creative enough. my parents tell me i need a job that wont stick me in an office 9-5, im too creative for that. but then... im not creative enough to do what i want. and then my dad gets mad when i break down like a baby and cry. yea, well this is my future, i dont want to wind up sitting in a class room for the next four years getting a degree thats going to leave me miserable... i wont do it.
and they ask what else i am interested in. well lets see here... music. art.... and debate, but you cant do anything with debate.
and im stuck at home for now, because i dont have the money to go anywhere else... i hate it. i know whatever i choose to study isnt going to make them happy, so why would i want to hang around here any longer? i even thought about studying bussienss... but no, thats not for me either. ask my paretns, they know what i like and what i dont better than me.
they say i dont read photography magazines, that i dont buy expenses lenses, that i dont take summer classes. yea well guess what guys. jenn never took anything in psychology until college and it was okay that she was interested in that. thats why you go to school..... to learn about stuff.
and then my dad tells me that IF he gave me the option i wouldnt go to school next year and how bad that it. guess what? he's wrong. yea i hate school, and i most definately not a school person... but if i dont go, i'll never go back. so much for knowing me well..
and now that my face is red and blothcy, my mascara is all over my cheeks and i sound like an immature child im going to get ready for work....