For my musical reference

Nov 14, 2007 23:30

Bands Interrobang!? Has Played With...
!n-Discretion, Aggro Crag, Aggroculture, Aggrolites, The (CA), Alto Sound Fiasco, Annafair, Appreciation Post, The, Axis of Evil, Bad Ash, Big Bad Bobby and the Shoe Horns, Big J and the Unkempt Hair, Binary Sessions, The, Bomb The Music Industry! (GA), Boston Jolly Pirates, The, Broken English, Burstone, Captain Mojo and the Cats Pajamas, Chotto Ghetto (CA), Clearly Suburban, Crooked Law, CV Boys Band, Drive Like July, Eggplant Dance-off (NH), Emergency Exit, Fad, The (NY), Fatter Than Albert (LA), Female Troubles, Fourth Floor Bandits, The (NH), Free Refills, The (NH), Gay Vultures, The, Gunshot Wound (RI), Hoodrat, In The Face, Jimbo’s Army, Jimmy Talbot, Jonny Vs. The Ninjas, Keys, Lannen Fall, Lemon Lime Tennis Shoes (RI), Leroy, Life of the Party, Not So Specials, The (NH), NS All-Stars, Orange Juice Six, Phoenix Down, Pinstripes, The (OH), Plan 17, Pointless Security, Pray For Polanski, Public Access (NY), Ransom, The, Rocko Dorsy (NY), Royal City Riot (NY), Scarecrow Hill, Schmendrick, Shot Heard Around The World, Skamasutra (NH), Smile, The Country Band, Stolen Records, The , Stop the Wombats, Strip, The, Suburban Showdown (NH), Supersmashers, The (MN), Syzlaks, The, Texas Pete and the Revolutions (MI), T.K.C., Two Dollar Pistol, Violet Nine, Woodbury, Your Moms, The, Yellow Team, The (NH)
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