Feb 17, 2006 02:39
Hey there kids. Thought it was about time for a quick update. So turns out I'm not going to stay here for May on account of the Maymester's ridiculous price. I'll be home from may through june. Rejoice, roll your eyes, what have you, but it's a fact. Today has been fairly busy. I've worked the whole day through without stopping pretty much. About two and a half hours was spent helping a friend with linear algebra and then helping another friend with poetry. I'm reading Watchmen again. I still think it is the finest achievement in superheroes. Nothing will ever rival it, methinks. This weekend promises a busy schedule. Jazz concert tomorrow. I need to go to an art exhibit. I want to write a poem. Gotta do about five hours of number theory. Gotta write poetry paper. Gotta finish Watchmen (I'm about half way through). Gotta start book of criticism on Comics. Fill out McGill app. Program two CD's. I think that's about it. I don't think I'll be able to do all that. oh well. This week has been a blur of work. What will I remember about college I wonder.