Dream, shiz, smoking, games....

Nov 10, 2010 17:10

I feel like I'm just barely hanging on to...my spiritual life? Not necessarily a good place to be.  I really need a sponsor. I went to a meeting last night for the first time in a month probably, excepting Patty's meeting.

I just started playing 4 new games on Facebook, Frontierville, Farmville and City of Wonder. I was really desperate for friends, without which it is difficult to play. So I found a friending community for  several of those. My real next door neighbor is my Frontierville neighbor, which is cool.

It looked like he unfriended me and I felt like crikey what did I do to get unfriended like this. Then I realized the neighors sort of hide themselves when you add more, so he was still there. I feel better now. Was that paranoid or what?

I realized yesterday I seriously need to lighten up in a number of areas.

This is Harrison posting, George is off on vacation.

The dream last night was of Geneva, an older lady in Liz's support group. I saw her rise up in the air, like 50 or more feet--she needed to get to a meeting or event of some sort and was in Mt. Airy, the last time I happened to see her. I don't go to the meetings, though I'm sure George has   I tried going that high, in the dreams I can remember, or I am told, a person dreaming could only get off the ground about a foot or so. This dream I decided if she could do it I could do it, that because she's a Christian so could I as I am too.

i got up there very high....continued later

dream, online games, harrison, al-anon

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