
Jun 11, 2022 01:19

Just one for now. I've seen this video before, and didn't remember what it said about pride, that fasting in the Bible usually means to humble yourself by fasting. I knew it cut off your dependance on food...Jack Hayford said something like that, it clears the way so heaven can get through to you.


I think here he's talking about undermining our own pride. If that isn't helpful, I don't know what is.

Other keys are posture, bending at the waist[that's why Jews do the bowing up and down thing sometimes when they read the Word], or raising your hands in the air, or lying on the floor face down. Positions of trust and obedience. They actually affect the brain and how we hear things, or hear thought.

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EDIT, June 23, 2022: I want to say what a friend told me. She said she fasts when it comes on her to do so. Other than that, if the church declares a fast (my spirit filled church did a couple Januaries in a row, but the first a sugar fast, the secobd a Daniel fast) she does honor it for a few days or a week. But other than that she does it when she feels moved.

This makes sense. She is my Christian friend, and she also is a pastor's wife and has the title of pastor, that's just how my church does things. He is the main one who does the preaching, or another male pastor.

But to me just my Christian friend, honest and of sound mind with good judgement. Very hard working and not egotistical.

Come to think of it, the Bible does not say women can't be pastors, just they are not allowed to teach religion. She wasn't teaching me religion, just saying that's what she does. She does not deny the power of God.

keys, prayer, kingdom of heaven, obedience

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