
Jan 28, 2010 15:36

So anway, some of us definitely have a problem with sugar, it seems like. Last night or the night before, someone was eating a pancake or two, with syrup, and they were pretty much gobbling. Then someone said, "Liz, go away!" and the gobbling slowed down or stopped. Argh! Liz is the core. Then again, someone could have been talking to Lizanne, mabye another Liz. Doubtful it was Alizon, she probably watches that figure like a hawk.

So if it's Liz, I guess conventionaly multiple wisdom would be to try laying off sugar for 6 weeks. Tho' we doubt we'd make it a week. It seems like Ben might have some trouble with weight, and maybe George. Part of the problem for George is he just does not seem to like to drink water for some reason. (hm, it's been a bit since body's takena trip to the water fountain...). There was this trouble a lot back when he was first fronting, we think. Definitely it was while we were employed at the insurance agency.

We were taking a walk in the basement, working on whoever it might be who still has the weight problem.

We woke up the other night and could feel some of the addictions, the absolute tether to the merry-go-round/ferris wheel whatever. It's when you can't take you mind off yourself and your problem for two seconds, and you want to desperately, to do something for someone else for five seconds, other than what might trigger the addictions. You want something, anything to take you out and you can't. So this a.m. we were walking in the basement and praying for any addictions to go and enabling to end. It worked before to get a lot of the weight off.

I guess it was yesterday morning we had a strange occurrence. There was whatever dream was going on, then we guess it was Liz who heard, "Liz!", it was a time-to-get-up call, we would swear it was Liz's mom, but we knew after a second or two it was not from outside the system, but down below in the system. Does Liz have a mom down there?

Some of us are feeling bad now about Ben, he really was thinking he was Liz. We don't know who else is fronting and co-conscious with George , Sandy, Noah, Cospia, etc. . when Ben is not there. There was more serious trauma after Ty, who came after George. And we think from the usual signs there is more recent stuff. So more people would have come on board to help. Some of us were surprized to know about Tyrell (pronounced TEER-ul or just Ty). George came after the Great Evil of 1992, with Noah and Sandy I guess. Ty is from 2002, an incident with the local police. Ben from 1988, we're not sure, but his shoot from the hip no holds barred style is pretty extreme I guess. So pretty desperate.

But more recently than the police incident is the guy from who we thought we could trust to drive us to the bus stop, but damn, he was a very bad guy.

Liz is in the burn unit at the inner hospital, we hear California? She is getting all kinds of presents. White grapes being among them, not green but white. The body is fine, no volcano out here.

Ruth and Lola say the dream is from them--we just don'tknow which dream, we try to write down as many as we can, it's just SO many. But Ruth was in one called The Cow Beneath the Sea.

A bit exhausted for now, and I guess we need to water that host.

George, etc.

prayer, trigger, sandy, noah, system map, ben, george, alizon, lizanne

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