(no subject)

Feb 23, 2017 13:56

Whoo, it's about 70 degrees out, late spring weather at least.

I am looking up the PH level of quinine water, because I am wondering if it would be good to get rid of mold in our basement, on the walls. Really we probably need a dehumidifier to take out the moisture, but for mold that already is there, I'd say something alkaline is needed.

Mold is a fungus, and fungus hates alkalinity, sunshine, dryness and cold. It thrives in acidic environments (sweaty socks!), darkness (sweaty socks!), warmth(sweaty socks!) and humidity (sweaty socks!).

This isn't really about athlete's foot, but I mention sweaty socks because it's a good place to grow fungus,usually athlete's foot fungus.

I'm thinking if we spray the basementwalls with quinine water in the winter, when it's driest, it will help. Baking soda would work except for the salt in it, which attracts water. It works if your clothes smell like mildew, put some baking soda in the washer with the soap.

My mom had hired a company who covered the stone walls with plastic, which will make it more dark and more moist underneath. They also installed a sump pump to help drain the water outside before it soaks through the walls. So it might not be so bad, but the plastic is a bad idea. I guess they get a lot of money to do this in homes. They also left a little container of a pungent scent to cover the mildew scent. This only lasts a while and I don't know what mom was thinking of to let this happen. Also they were supposed to provide more of the scent, but of course did not.

I found some notes on quinine water at this place called sciencegeist.net. This site is pretty interesting.

health, fungus, quinine water

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