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He talks about guilt toward the end, St. Paul said that sin no longer has dominion over you--Paul means the guilt of sin no longer dominates your life. You are not free of temptation.
Also he talks about the refuguees trying to come to the US from Muslim countries, and Jesus' admonition to "love your neighbor as yourself" He talks about his parents moving to the US to get away from the persecution of Muslims, since they had become Christian and were converting some Muslims to Christianity. They were given 24 hours to move out of their country, by Muslims. They are not our neighbors unless they help us, but the scripture of Islam says to BEHEAD the unbeliever. Jesus describes the neighbor as the Good Samaritan, the one who helped the man who was stripped, beaten and left for dead. He points out that in Germany they rape women and blame it on the availability of alcohol. And it is okay with their scripture. All of the slaughter across the world is to punish unbelievers. They are not our neighbors just because they have a scripture and call themselves a relgion of peace. They say peace where there is no peace.
Charlie Garrett of The Superior Word Church: John Haller of Bible Fellowship church: Good stuff! I have not finished the last two yet.