[There's a small gathering here by the door, but that hasn't stopped Jack from getting right up next to it, his shoulder pressed against the wood. It is from this rather odd position that he decides to make his first real transmission since the fear event.]
Does anyone know where this goes?
[Locked to Elaine; difficult hack]Maybe we should have
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Dr. Bhamba, wait. I just--I'm sorry. It was an accident. I'm so sorry.
[He settles back against the door, sucking his teeth, knowing how weak it sounds, how little it stands up against the harsh reality of having killed his friend. With a distressed little huff through his nose, he turns the feed off.]
I don't even know what I'm supposed to yell at you in a situation like that.
[ When he says it this time his tone contains neither anger nor humour, only resignation. ]
[It sounds so hollow, but he can't seem to be able to do anything but repeat these things again, his voice wavering a little more each time.]
He bites his lip and remains silent.
As far as interpersonal relationships go this entire situation is way, way over his head. ]
I didn't know it was you.
So he simply opts to... not deal with this. ]
Ah... I am a little busy in the lab right now, Jack.
We can talk another time.
[ Very little effort goes into making this sound like a believable excuse.
Much effort goes into switching the transmission off and putting down the communication device. ]
[Unfortunately the line is very dead.]
...But yes, yes it is.
And Bhamba being busy in his lab does in fact translate to nothing but him sitting in Amy's room, petting the crocodile gloomily. ]
A few minutes later, he's knocking at the door to the lab. Coming from the guy that recently bashed your head in with a wrench, this may be less than reassuring.]
The only reason he ventures out of Amy's room is to fetch her a juicy reward chicken for keeping him company.
When he hears the knock and sees Jack only moments later he realises that he isn't just unsure of what to say, he's afraid. ]
I told you I was busy.
Please? I'm not armed.
Those are the ones.
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