(no subject)

Mar 20, 2011 02:29

Curiouser and curiouser...

I don't suppose anyone has any light to shed on what just happened do they? It seems the closer we get to answers, the more questions pop up.

But, if anyone has any information, I'd greatly appreciate knowing. I feel like I've fallen far behind everyone when it comes to being.. "in the know" as the saying goes.

[she's quiet a moment] Ah, before I forget: I'm alright, and so is Tsuna. We returned from Westport just fine, though it took some time for me to tell everyone. I hope we didn't worry anyone.

lol what is this i don't even, mayfield is creepy, i'm 12 and what is this, phone is now property of fantasia, mayfield y u do, this is not okay

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