Recommendations, please!

Apr 03, 2014 12:55

My K3 is dying! The battery won't hold a charge and even after being plugged in all night it still shows the empty battery screen.  I try rebooting/restarting it and 99% of the time, the empty battery screen returns.  On the rare occasion it reboots successfully and I'm able to access my content, the battery indicator shows a minimal charge.

Should I even bother ordering a replacement battery & trying to change it out or just pitch it and get a new kindle?  If I go the route of getting a new kindle which one would you recommend?  K4 or Paperwhite and why?

I can't find any info on if either the K4 of Paperwhite offer the ability to put items into "collections" (I read a lot of fanfic on my kindle so it's kinda a must) and I have to be able to password protect it to keep prying eyes out.

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