New Paperwhite, "MatchBook"

Sep 03, 2013 09:18

A new Paperwhite is being released at the end of September.  Amazon is touting better display technology, a new built in light, faster processor, a new way to flip pages and scan chapters, better dictionary lookup, and Goodreads (but not Shelfari?) integration.

The size specs appear to be exactly the same as the current version, which means cases won't have to be replaced.  This immediately makes me more likely to upgrade.  The pricing is $119/$139 for wifi and $189/$209 for 3G, with/without special offers.

Amazon also mentions something called "MatchBook," which is coming soon:  "For thousands of qualifying books, your past, present, and future print-edition purchases will soon allow you to buy the Kindle edition for $2.99, $1.99, $0.99, or free."  This is an interesting idea to help current ebook users upgrade their print collection, and encourage those who prefer print to dip their toe in ebook waters for the price of a latte or less.  It will be very interesting to see which books are available.  I don't know about you guys, but some of the books I want most as ebooks aren't available for any price.


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