recipe Friday

Feb 10, 2017 19:23

Somthing I've cooked recently: Tonight I had the dinner of Good Shopping Luck. I treated myself to a pork chop from the fancy butcher, and then when I was in the supermarket I found some beautiful asparagus, seriously the nicest asparagus by far that I've ever seen in a supermarket, and on sale, too. So that plus some oven roasted potato wedges was dinner. The pork in particular was amazing, even though I overcooked it a little. I'd forgotten that pork actually has flavor. Om nom nom.

Something I have concrete plans to cook in the near future: Tomorrow I'm cooking a bean soup with escarole and garlic, and on Sunday there'll be mushroom risotto. I may also bake some spice cookies from the recipe in Ottolenghi and Tamimi's Jerusalem--I've been wanting to bake these for ages but I could never find currants anywhere.

Something I'm vaguely thinking about cooking someday: It turns out I bought the wrong kind of quail for the sweetbread-stuffed quail from the Hannibal cookbook--I needed de-boned quail and I bought bone-in. I did watch an instructional video on You-Tube about how to do it myself, but if it takes Jacques Pepin five minutes to de-bone a quail, it'll take me half an hour and a lot of swearing, and I have four of the little beasts. So I'll use the current batch of quail for something else, perhaps pan-roasted with a sherry and mushroom sauce, and see if I can find boneless quail anywhere.

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