letter meme

Feb 06, 2015 14:11

While waiting for the bread dough to rise. I grabbed this one from
oursin, who assigned me the letter P. I changed one question because I thought the original wasn't very interesting.

Something I hate: Podsnappery, for which I can't find a really good online definition, but this is okay. Your modern US-ian practitioner of Podsnappery believes no one is poor unless they're lazy and no one is killed by the police unless they've done something to deserve it.

Something I love: Podcasts. At least, several of my favorite fannish things at the moment are podcasts, or radio shows that I consume in podcast form. Because they're vastly cheaper to produce and easier to distribute than, say, television shows, there's a lot more room for experimentation and for niche-iness.

Somewhere I've been: Paris, where I lived for almost a year as a student. I loved it, mostly, though looking back on that time from a more adult perspective, I missed so many opportunities. But on the other hand, I had experiences that a sensible, responsible adult would miss out on. Obviously the best thing would be to go back to Paris every five years or so and re-experience it.

Somewhere I'd like to go: Besides back to Paris to do and see all the things I missed the first time, maybe Prague? I've heard it's gorgeous, and maybe it's not still overrun with US hipster expats the way it was said to be a while back.

Someone I knowA book I like: My first instinct is Pride and Prejudice, but it's kind of obvious and also may sound odd in combination with my next answer. So, Perdido Street Station by China Miéville, though I actually prefer the second Bas Lag book, The Scar.

A film I like: Pride (the 2014 film about Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners, not the several other films of that title). It's funny and warm and political in a completely non-preachy way.

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