disguised as an onion-seller

Jan 01, 2014 13:24

Happy New Year, everybody! Or, happy January 2nd if you're much farther to the east than I am.

Yuletide authors have been revealed, so I can thank
silveronthetree, who wrote me Biggles fic (yay, Biggles!) that casts an intriguing new light on a moment from canon: So go on and do not stop. And to my complete lack of surprise,
halotolerant was the author of I've Been to a Marvellous Party, which delightfully crosses over The Charioteer, The Wooden Horse, Wings, Colditz, and Raffles(!). With that list of fandoms, it couldn't have been written by anyone else.

Many thanks to both of you for my lovely gifts!

As for me, I wrote for
lilliburlero, whose prompt--Wimsey and Bunter wartime backstory--I was enormously pleased to have a chance to explore.

Buttons and Bayonets: A Small History of the Great War (5505 words) by kindkit
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Lord Peter Wimsey - Dorothy L. Sayers
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Mervyn Bunter/Peter Wimsey
Additional Tags: World War I, War, Shell Shock
Summary: Peter and Bunter, surviving the war together.

Crossposted at Dreamwidth (
comments); you can comment here or there.


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