Dear Yuletide Writer,
First of all, thanks for writing for me in one of these four gorgeous fandoms. I can't wait to read your story.
What follows is a little more information about what I like and don't like. But I want to say right away that I hope you will write a story you find interesting and enjoy writing, even if it doesn't happen to fit what I discuss here. It could well turn out to be the story I didn't know I wanted.
Two of my favorite things are characterization and worldbuilding. I love to hear more about characters: their history, their hopes and fears, their secrets, their little quirks. And I love visiting unexplored corners of a world, whether it's a long-haul cargo ship or the university in Astreiant. Details are divine; plot is, for me, non-compulsory. (If you write plot, I envy your skill and would be glad to have plot in my story. But if you don't, I'd be just as pleased with a slice-of-life tale or some in-depth character navelgazing introspection.)
I love male/male slash, but if that's not your cup of tea, gen is absolutely welcome! I've tried to give gen prompts as well as slashy ones for each request. I'm not much interested in het, though, so I'd rather the story didn't focus on a heterosexual relationship.
Along similar lines, if you do write a pairing story, don't feel obliged to include a sex scene if you'd rather not or if you don't think it develops the characters or the emotional arc. Some stories need a sex scenes and others don't; I'm not a huge fan of porn for porn's sake, and I'm every bit as happy with a nonexplicit story as a porntastic one.
In general my tastes are wide-ranging. I like happy stories and stories about grief and despair, straightforward narratives and stylistic experiments, missing scenes and metacommentary, canon-compliance and what-ifs, backstory and futurefic. Feel free to take an idea and run with it.
There are a few things that distress or squick me, however. I do ask that you not write something that features either a rape scene or rape (even offscreen) as a major story element. I'm also not that fond of BDSM, AUs of the "all the characters are vampires/mobsters/high school students" type, and breakup fics. Other kinds of downbeat endings are fine, and if you write Haddock/Allan feel more than free to break them up, but otherwise breakup fics make me too sad.
Below, I've reposted my requests along with a few additional comments in some cases. There are also links to my posts about the fandoms, in case you find that kind of thing helpful.
1) Colditz
Character: Dick Player
Almost every Colditz character interests me, but Dick's contradictions (bravery and physical/emotional vulnerability, his cosmopolitan background versus the demands of wartime nationalism) make him especially compelling. I'd love to hear more about him spending time in Germany and his connection with Paul von Eissinger (I see some UST in their interactions, so slash them if you like), or about how his background affects his experiences as a soldier and in Colditz. Futurefic, especially postwar futurefic, would also be great. Perhaps he gets recruited into British Intelligence? I tend to read Dick as gay and I'd love to see that addressed, slashily or not; maybe something about Dick as a gay man in an atmosphere of situational homosexuality? If you do slash him, I'd gladly see him paired with George Brent, Simon Carter or Pat Grant. Or a combination! Or actually just about anyone except Phil Carrington, who I'm afraid is not my favorite. I'm convinced that half the camp wants Dick (ahem), so feel free. I should note that, while I'm not automatically averse to consent issues (power imbalance, somewhat dubious consent) I am squicked by the definitely nonconsensual, including sex coerced by the threat of violence or punishment.
My Colditz-related posts are
here. Also, if you like the prompt about Dick being recruited into Intelligence and you happen to have read John Le Carré's Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, a crossover would be awesome.
2) Points - Melissa Scott and Lisa A. Barnett
Character: Istre b'Estorr
Istre's a bit of a blank in canon and I'd love to know more about him: backstory about his magistical training or his work at the Chadroni court, a look at his day-to-day life as a necromancer and teacher, a "case file" story where he takes a major role in an investigation, or anything, really. Something about Istre dealing with cultural differences between Chadron and Chenedolle, such as the fact that Chenedolle is a matriarchy while Chadron, which has kings, appears to be a patriarchy, would be cool. I'd also love to see Istre get a romance (with a man--I'm not really a het fan). Feel free to include Nico, Philip, and other canon Pointsverse characters or not, as you like.
My Points-related posts are
here (substantial review) and
here (a couple of bits of discussion). I should probably add that I'd prefer not to see Istre paired with Nico or Philip; I love the Nico/Philip relationship in canon and wouldn't want to see it broken up.
3) Tintin
Character: Archibald Haddock
Haddock backstory, such as how he ended up in the state he's in when we first meet him, would be great, as would something set during or after the comics: his POV during an adventure, the growth of his relationship with Tintin, the attachment he feels for Moulinsart|Marlinspike (I adore domestic!Haddock), or anything you like that's Haddock-centric and fleshes him out a bit as a character. I'd also be very interested in seeing a more serious exploration of Haddock's drinking than happens in the comics. I do ship Haddock/Tintin myself, but gen is totally welcome if you prefer; for fics set after they meet, I'd rather not see either Haddock or Tintin paired with someone else. If it's before they meet, feel free! I find Haddock/Allan an intriguingly dysfunctional possibility.
My Tintin-related posts are
4) Doug Anthony All Stars RPF
Characters: Paul McDermott, Tim Ferguson
I'm fascinated by Paul and Tim's long, intense, and sometimes difficult relationship, and stories exploring that in any period would be great. (I ship them, but I'm happy with friendship fic too!) Some themes that especially interest me are the intersection of performance and the "real" self (especially "stage gay"), and the unglamourous quotidian realities of being a performer. A story that thoughtfully addressed the issue of Tim's multiple sclerosis, perhaps in relation to Tim breaking up the All Stars or, later, his decision to go public about his illness, would be very welcome, too.
My DAAS-related posts are
here. One additional note: because RPF is based on real people, I'd rather not see anyone written as, well, evil. That includes things like real-life partners being portrayed as cruel or abusive. If you do write Paul/Tim, I'm fine with their other real-life relationships being left out or broken up for story purposes, but please don't put blame on those partners, who aren't public figures in any case.
Crossposted at
Dreamwidth (
comments); you can comment here or there.