why, o why am I not sleeping?

Nov 19, 2004 01:25

Meme, then bed. Questions gakked from prillalar:

My journal is called _____ because _____.
My subtitle is _____ because _____.
My friends page is called _____ because _____.
My username is ____ because _____.
My default userpic is _____ because_____

Most of my answers are probably pretty obviously, but here goes.

My journal is called (at the moment) "Gathering, Shindig, or Hootenanny" because Oz is adorable when he classifies types of parties.

My subtitle is nonexistent because I couldn't think of one.

My friends page is called "By the Drinks Table" because it was in keeping with the party theme, and isn't that where all the interesting people hang out at parties?

My username is KindKit because once upon a time there was a playwright called Christopher Marlowe, who was so nasty of temper and sarcastic of speech that his few friends took to calling him "Kind Kit."

My default userpic is the one I'm using for this post, keyworded as "pensive Giles," because the pose and the melancholy mood strike me as deeply, ineffably Gilesy and wonderful.

Wasn't that fascinating? But, truth to tell, I've always wanted to explain the username: I'd rather make it clear that I was being pompous than seem like I'm bragging about my own (really quite limited) share of the milk of human kindness.


personal, memes

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