remixed drabbles

Oct 27, 2009 10:23

The authors have been revealed at remixthedrabble, so I'm reposting the two remixes I wrote.

Title: Creation (the Cooking for Two Remix)
Remix of: An untitled drabble (the first one on the page) by benebu
Fandom: Good Omens
Characters: Aziraphale, Crowley
Rating: All ages
Word count: 100

He could tell Crowley to stop turning up at five when he was invited for seven. Boning a duck or slicing genoise into even layers is tricky enough without an audience, especially one that casually mentions how easy it would be to conjure it all up. Or go to the Ritz.

But when seven o'clock comes and Aziraphale's labours bear their fruit, when the soufflé hasn't fallen, the hollandaise hasn't broken--then Crowley smiles at him with sharp white teeth and bright yellow eyes. Then Aziraphale knows he's got miracles in this kitchen, and dinner is the least of them.

Title: Absolute Zero (the Quantum Singularity Remix)
Remix of: Frozen, by kerravonsen
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Tenth Doctor, Jack Harkness
Rating: Teen
Word count: 100

In the end, or the beginning, existence is motion.

At a scale too small for even Time Lords to perceive directly, superstrings vibrate in eleven compressed dimensions. The universe dances.

Except for Jack. Jack is still, even when he's running. Smiling, hugging, talking, flirting, Jack is dead to time.

Jack is/not. Jack is nonbeing. Worse than entropy: Jack is certainty, stability. And quantum stability means no big bang. No time, no space, no universe.

Jack is unmaking, and it's the Doctor's fault.

I am become death, the Doctor thinks.

He looks at Jack, his monster, his mirror, and he trembles.

fic: good omens, fic: drabbles, fic: doctor who, fic: 2009

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