random things and a meme

Mar 28, 2009 18:34

Random thing #1: Shiny Withnail and I icon based on one of the recently rediscovered photos!

Random thing #2: I made two phone calls today! Those who like phone calls, or at least don't fear them, won't recognize why this is an achievement. But trust me, it is. I'd been putting these calls off for almost two weeks.

Random thing #3: Had a haircut today. This makes me happy. I'm always reluctant to spend the money, and even more so now that I dwell in Unemployment, but my hair is properly, boyishly short again and I feel more myself.

Random but hopefully less boring thing #4: You know how when you really like a particular actor, you can end up seeing movies you otherwise wouldn't? Well, Simon Pegg just announced that he's going to be in Ice Age 3 (doing a voice, obviously, since it's animated). Plus there's the Star Trek movie. And I'm weakening in my resolve not to see Run, Fat Boy, Run (title is appalling, Simon Pegg is not fat, ick ick ick). Simon Pegg + Dylan Moran + Thandie Newton = I have no principles. Has anybody seen this? Is it awful?

And a fictional-character meme, grabbed from nam_jai (who picked Fitz for me to discuss) and modified by me.

1: Do you like this character?

Just a litle, yeah. Just a teeny tiny not-at-all-obsessive oh who am I kidding he is my special shiny fictional darling bit.

Which is odd, because Fitz has some definitive flaws. He's lazy, scruffy, and tries to seduce every woman he meets (occasionally successfully). But he's also kind, loyal to the people he cares for, and brave even when he's scared to death, which is the only kind of bravery that counts.

Sometimes his flaws are the things I love. He daydreams, turns his life into stories, pretends to be French just for the hell of it, and wears a dinner jacket in an alien space-station casino because that's what James Bond would do. He plays and isn't interested in becoming an adult.

And he loves the Doctor. The Doctor's his "someone special," his "real thing" (actual quotations actually from the EDAs). His love for the Doctor is protective and spectacularly unselfish, and Fitz is not generally an unselfish person. On the other hand, his love for the Doctor doesn't always have good consequences for other people, which adds a level of complication that I like. I have a weakness for characters who feel things intensely and form intense relationships, and that's Fitz.

3 (there is no question 2, and I don't know why): What image/color do you associate with this character?

Dark colors. Fitz has black hair, grey eyes, and at least some of the time he wears a black leather jacket. (However, in the first Fitz book he wears maroon trousers and a red, blue, and black striped shirt. Sam makes fun of him, which seems to have corrected him of this tendency. And to be fair, it was 1963.)

Since Fitz is a book character I don't have a lot of image associations per se. But I do like to picture him and the Doctor settled in big old comfortable armchairs sharing a pot of tea, as inspired by one of my very favorite EDA passages (from Coldheart):

Fitz recalled the days in the Doctor’s old TARDIS, sampling all the various tea blends kept in the huge bank of wooden drawers on one side of the console room. The Doctor had liked to start the day with Assam, or China Yunnan, and always insisted on a large pot of lapsang souchong at eleven o’clock, when all the clocks would suddenly start chiming their erratic and slightly unsynchronised hour. The Doctor always kept the flavours changing and moving, and never grew bored with it. Even now Fitz could hear the ticking of all those clocks in his memory, and smell the subtle scent of Keemun tea, which they would only ever drink when the old cuckoo clock remembered to chime.

I also like to picture them cuddling. Or doing special naked-time things. But that may be more than anyone wants to know.

4: What song do you associate with this character?

The love song he wrote about the Doctor, which is mentioned in The Year of Intelligent Tigers and I think in other EDAs as well.

And that's about it. I often do strongly associate certain songs with characters, but not Fitz for some reason.

5: What blood type do you think this character is? What is this character's favorite book and/or film?

Blood type, WTF???? I have replaced that with a slightly less pointless question. Fitz's favorite book is The Lord of the Rings trilogy, one of the few fantasy books for adults that was around when he was growing up. He loved escaping into this other world, and he re-reads it fairly often for comfort.

6: Of all of the titles that this character appears in, what character do you like to put this character with?

If this question is trying to ask about shipping, well, it's probably obvious that I'm a Fitz/Eight shipper. I'm very OTPish about them, too. Sometimes I can ship the same character in more than one pairing, but I can't do that with either Eight or Fitz. They belong together.

7: What would you want to say to this character?

Kiss the Doctor already. He won't mind. And you know you want to.

8: What do you want to do with this character?

Watch (discreely concealed) while he and the Doctor have special naked-time fun? Or, less appallingly, go to Liverpool with him in early 1963 to see the Beatles play at the Cavern Club.

9: Please choose 5 friends with your choice of character.

I won't tag, as many people don't like it. If you want to play, say so and I'll name a character for you to talk about.


fandom: doctor who (eight), personal, memes

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