on a brighter note

Feb 13, 2004 23:54

Well, my dears, it's now more-or-less Valentine's Day, and therefore it's time for the Rescue Romance from Badfic Challenge stories!

The rules were simple. Writers were asked to select three (or more) schmoopy things from the following list, and then to write a good, non-cliched romantic story using them.

A ring or rings
A love letter
Silk anything
Velvet anything
A drawing or photograph of one or both characters

Places and Events:
A birthday, Christmas, Valentine's Day, anniversary
A wedding/commitment ceremony (not necessarily that of the main characters)
A special meal
Breakfast in bed
A picnic
The beach
The mountains
A romantic city (Paris, Venice, etc.)

A first kiss
The words "I love you"
Singing, playing music or reciting poetry
A dog, cat, or child
Riding on a carousel or ferris wheel
Looking at the moon and/or stars
Holding hands in public

In addition, there were three guidelines:

1) The schmoopy things may not be used ironically.
2) The schmoopy things may not be "buried" in the story (e.g., if you select Christmas, you can't just say "It was the week after Christmas and . . .").
3) The story must have a happy ending.

Otherwise, there were no rules. It was anarchy! Anarchy, I tell you!

Writers, please post a link to your story in the comments section. Please include the title, pairing, and (if it's not AtS/BtVS) the fandom. I'll create a master list as things are posted.

The List

trkkr47 wrote In Quiet Moments (Giles/Oz)
gwynnega wrote Another First Date (Willow/Giles)
janedavitt wrote Love Translated (Wes/Lilah)
moireach wrote Eclipsed the Moon (Willow/Xander in the Wishverse)
mahaliem wrote Flowers and Chocolate (Xander/Spike)
glossing wrote Little Company (Angel/Oz, Wishverse) and Fantastic Life Never the Same (Giles/Oz, set in the universe of It's Like Jazz)
kindkit wrote Debt (Giles/Ethan)
sunlit5 wrote Nothin' Says Lovin' Like a Scone in the Oven (Spike/Buffy)

Many, many hugs and sloppy kisses to all who participated.


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