
Jan 14, 2004 22:54

Cute. Fun. Harmony's still annoying, and I nearly screamed at the TV at the end, when I thought there was going to be a tender moment between Harmony and Spike. Thank God there wasn't.

I liked the W&H promo film at the beginning.

My main reaction, though, is "For this we waited two months?" Really, shouldn't the show have come back with a bang? Considering that Wesley did absolutely nothing in the episode, they could just as well have filmed and broadcast it while Alexis was on his honeymoon. (I know, by the way, that exciting things are said to be coming soon. But I'm mostly unspoiled for future eps, so please . . . let me keep my precious virginity!)

The timeline thing irritated me a bit. If it's only three months since Spike went out in a blaze of big shiny jewellery, then it's September. So that Halloween party they had a few episodes back was badly misplaced. And also, what happened to that personal time Wesley was supposedly taking? He can't have taken much if it's only a few days since "Destiny."

On the other hand, I rather liked Spike's reason for not running off to Europe after Buffy. If he goes to her, he's back to being Angel lite--the other souled vampire, the one she doesn't love. But if he stays away, he can be remembered (or so he hopes) as the fantastic hero who died to save the world. Makes sense to me.

Finally, Gunn's getting on my nerves. Is he so damn proud of his instant upgrade that he doesn't remember that Wesley's smart too? And Wesley got his knowledge the hard way. For God's sake, let the boy talk to the demons. Let him be useful as well as decorative.

fandom: buffy

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