sexy, sexy poll

Feb 16, 2008 12:50

I want to get your opinions about a sentence in something I was reading recently. I'm not telling you anything about the context, but I will say that the "he" being described is an adult and is in no way related to the POV character, who is also an adult. (So there's nothing potentially creepy. The poll isn't any kind of trick question.)

Sometime this weekend, there will be a post about the thing I was reading. So your curiosity (if any) will eventually be satisfied.

ETA to clarify: The poll question doesn't mean "is this sentence the most erotic thing you've ever read in your life?". What I'm trying to ask, and obviously I worded it poorly, is whether the description is eroticized. Is it a description that implies erotic interest/awareness on the part of the POV character?


ETA: Okay, I'm really confused by how many of you are saying that "blond skin" is somehow incorrect or bad style. I think it's a rather clever bit of metonymy to describe the fair skin of a blond character (and the character's blondness had previously been established, which is something you guys couldn't know since the sentence is out of context). I mean, it strikes me as a very literal kind of reading to say that someone's skin can't be described as blond.

But then, I'm also confused when people complain about phrases like "X's hand slid up Y's leg" ["What, it slid all by itself? OMG detached body parts!!"] and "Y dropped her eyes" ["Better pick those eyes up off the floor, Y"]. So maybe I'm the one who reads strangely.

In any case, I swear that the poll is just what it appears to be. I haven't (for example) taken a sentence from some kind of terrible badfic so that I can mock you about it later. Honestly I never thought anybody would read the sentence as bad in any way. I was just looking for reactions about whether it seemed like an eroticized description.



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