
Jul 26, 2007 21:50

I'm rather sad that only one person commented on my Torchwood fic. In fact, I don't seem to get many comments on anything in this journal anymore, and it worries me.

Thereforce, I beg for comments nudge the lurkers poll!

Please only take the poll if you have this journal friended or read it at least occasionally.

a poll, with obligatory silly last question )

polls, meta

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lord_dingsi July 27 2007, 03:15:57 UTC
I've got your Torchwood fic open in a tab. Actually, I've got three posts of yours open in a tab. But I have some fourty tabs open altogether. (That's what Session Saver does to you.) Sometimes I get around to actually replying to, or writing about (as intended), one of them. Sometimes I don't and close the tab after I had it open for three months. I'm notoriously bad at commenting or replying to comments (or at least that's what it feels like).

But I read. Boy, do I read, and think, and make shiny plans about writing the Best Comment Evar.

Same with emails, btw. I collect comment notification emails (or general pen-pal style emails) like book shelves collect dust.

It's horrible, but I don't know what to doooo.

P.S.: Don't mention the irrational but very peristent fear of annoying people (in this case, you). I know it's stupid. Just... pretend it doesn't exist. I try to work on it ( ... )


kindkit July 27 2007, 04:09:55 UTC
You're the second person who's mentioned keeping a fic open in a tab--I'm beginning to think tabs are the enemy! (I don't use tabs, myself, so I tend to forget that other people do.)

I totally understand the desire to make the Best Comment Evar (I feel it too, and in any case I'm pretty bad about commenting) but of course, the OP just gets . . . silence. And any non-flamey comment is better than silence!

As for Jack/Ianto . . . I think my story sort of got caught between Scylla and Charybdis, fannishly. People who don't ship Jack/Ianto weren't likely to read it, and people who do ship Jack/Ianto may have been put off either by having the Ianto/Lisa pairing there as well, or just by the fact that it wasn't a happy story.


lord_dingsi July 27 2007, 08:08:30 UTC
And any non-flamey comment is better than silence!

True, dat. I complain about it myself. Somehow, when you get no replies, you always assume it's because people either were absolutely uninterested, or they read it and thought it sucked. Which does not, actually, overlap with reality, but that's how you feel.
And yet, commenting is... hard.

No, I don't get it, either.

I think my story sort of got caught between Scylla and Charybdis, fannishly (...) people who do ship Jack/Ianto may have been put off either by having the Ianto/Lisa pairing there as well, or just by the fact that it wasn't a happy story.Well, I can only speak for me, but the lack of happy endings is one of the things I like about your stories. Or perhaps "lack of happy endings" isn't quite the right way to put it... but your fics often have this dark atmosphere that I am drawn to. Not the grim-and-gritty dark. It's more ... the way you write about the characters, they are often broken in so many subtle ways. Sometimes they cope. Sometimes they cope, but in a very ( ... )


kindkit July 28 2007, 23:51:44 UTC
the lack of happy endings is one of the things I like about your stories

The funny thing is, I do in fact like happy endings when they're possible. But they're hard to accomplish, both in life and in writing. Especially as I'm much more interested in characters who are, as you say, broken rather than in happy, well-adjusted characters. (I didn't particularly love Jack during S1 of Doctor Who--it was the unhappy, messed-up Jack of Torchwood that I fell in love with.)

I don't have a problem with a Ianto that is read as mostly/actually gay by people, but I'd have a problem with people declaring that his love for Lisa wasn't real

Oh yeah. Everything in canon shows us that Ianto loved Lisa obsessively, and in fact feels more for her than he does for Jack, even by the end of the season. But the same canon also shows us that Ianto and Jack are sleeping together and that Ianto, at least, has pretty strong feelings for Jack. So there's no need to choose, no need to denigrate one relationship to make room for the other.


hermionesviolin July 27 2007, 13:15:39 UTC
I don't feel *quite* that perfectionist about it, but yeah, I was trying to articulate something similar about Best Comment Ever. I think I do eventually leave comments on maybe 90% of the fic I read. (I don't keep stuff open in taps, but I do bookmark stuff and draft responses. [This is worsened by the fact that I'm also deciding whether I wanna rec said fic and if yes, drafting a rec blurb.] KindKit, I know I owe you comments on two fics, and there are probably other ones I've bookmarked and haven't yet read. And I know almost nothing about Torchwood but was halfway tempted to read your most recent fic anyway just because the cut-text was so awesome.)


kindkit July 27 2007, 20:52:22 UTC
the cut-text was so awesome

*grins* It's taken completely out of context, of course--the story's cyborgs have nothing to do with Haraway's cyborgs--but I loved that line so much that I had to use it.


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