Halt that bandwagon

Jan 03, 2008 11:14

I want to jump on.

I'm not usually one for great new year posts, but it's about time I started living my life a little I feel.

So much has been crammed into the last 2 years it feels like 10. Two years ago I had yet to start volunteering, yet to apply to Jordanhill (yet to become a minor media dahling :p). Yet to even fully make up my mind that yes I did want to become a teacher.

Now I'm halfway through my probationary year and while it is undoubtedly a struggle, I'm certain that I've made the right choice. Tough classes, listening to hard to take comments about my progress (or lack of it at times) and feeling like I'm constantly running up a downward escalator with both feet bound has been the downside, but with a bit of luck (and a bit more application on my part) in 6 months I should have full registration with the GTCS. Finally I can look at myself and really feel like I've achieved something (which probably sounds odd to those of you who know me).

The main downside however, feels like a total atrophy of my social life. Part of me accepts that this is the price one must pay for becoming a grown up. Part of me thinks "shut up you whiny sod and start making an effort to get out".

Or is it one of life's cruel tricks, for so long I didn't have the money to go out, now that I do I don't have the energy. Well sod that for a game of soldiers. For this is the year that I kick my own ass into shape. No more whining. No more "too tired" excuses. I shall become fittier, happier, more productive. Regular exercise three times a week. Less introspection, more living.

Sod slacking, I want more.
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