Daily Update: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 - Wednesday, September 28, 2010

Sep 28, 2010 23:06

News and Information

Hello! This is your primary admin!  All of us on the staff hope you're enjoying this varied selection from the first pages of Part Nine and Past Parts Filled 1.  I especially have to give credit to our helpers who have joined us!

As for why the updating schedule is less than routine...well, RL has been in the way.  Hence, why you get such large bursts at one time -- it piles up on me, I'm afraid.

Sadly, I was unable to put up the new layout we designed.  We're really excited about it and we put a lot of work into it, and we really want to show it to you!  Hopefully,any problems with it can be fixed.  So if you see the layout on either the Kindex or the Daily looking weird, that would be me fiddling around.  So don't be alarmed! It's not LJ or your computer.

We've passed our one year anniversary mark!  We might do something special...if we find the time.

Staff Recommendations should be up soon.

Everyone give a cheer!  Part 9 and a 1 year of Kindexing!

Fic:  ★  - 1 Star Fills

- [part four: fill] Untitled [America/England] -- A childhood dream makes it hard for England to resist America's affection, painful though it is.

- [part four: fill] See You in the Morning [America/England] -- America and England can't even snuggle without disagreeing, but that's the way they like it.

- part four: fill] The Allure of Chicks [Prussia, Japan, Germany] -- When Prussia and Germany visit one of Japan's schools, it's not at all what Prussia expected.

- [part five: fill] A Jack in the Box [OC, Russia] -- A stowaway on a Soviet plane discovers that he's not alone in the cargo.

- [part five: fill] Boobs Are Not Just for Bouncing [Canada/Ukraine, Sealand] -- Ukraine only meant to comfort Sealand, but it was still awkward for Canada to walk in on.

- [part five: fill] Trap'd! [North Italy/fem!Germany] -- Germany thinks she has no chance with Italy because his first love was a boy. Is she wrong?

- [part five: fill] Family Reunion [England, Canada, OC!Commonwealth Nations] -- With so many of England's relatives
together at once, it's a wonder the reunion wasn't even more chaotic.

- [part five: fill] Pass the Salt, Please? [Sweden, Finland, ensemble] -- Sweden does something utterly shocking during lunchtime.

- [part six: fill] Feliks The Bad Matchmaker Strikes Again [Lithuania/Poland] -- Feliks sees sexual tension. Toris sees disaster.

- [part six: fill] Croatoan [America, OC!Native American-tan, OC!Virginia] -- The young boy doesn't know where his parents went or who this strange woman is.

- [part six: fill] Little Sweet Nothings [Canada/Ukraine, OC!Saskatchewan] -- Ukraine comes over for a day to help Canada with Saskatchewan.

- [part six: fill] Germany & Telemarketers [Germany, North Italy, OC] -- Germany flips out on a telemarketer after a long day at work.

- [part six: fill] My Once in a Lifetime [France/??, France/America/England/Canada] -- America, Canada and England are eager to find out who France's first time was, but it turns out to be someone they never even considered.

- [part six: fill] Because a Letter Wouldn't Be Enough [South Italy, ensemble] -- When Prussia dies, South Italy wonders how long it will be before he meets the same fate.

- [part six: fill] Taboo [Spain/South Italy, Rome, North Italy, ensemble] -- When Lovino and his Spanish tutor Antonio fall for one another, they're in for a difficult time.

- [part six: fill] Just Let Me Curse You [England] -- England's only reason for cursing America is that he hates him. He definitely doesn't have any other reason!

- [part nine: fill] Fur Pimp [America, OC!PETA] -- America is on the run, but he can't hide...from PETA!

- [part nine: fill] Camping Trip [OC!PETA, America, Canada, England, France] -- A camping trip from hell is made worse by a bear stealing the marshmallows and PETA Man defending violent animals through murder.

- [part nine: fill] Frozen [Russia, Lithuania] -- Lithuania searches for Russia, who hasn't been seen for several days. He wasn't expecting what he found.

- [part nine: fill] May 4 [Prussia] -- He's had no regrets leaving, and it seems he's found an awesome place to be.

- [part nine: fill] Don't wanna grow up [China, Japan, Korea] -- China never expected Japan to be behind these childish incidents. Korea, maybe, but not Japan.

- [part nine: fill] Reminding day [ensemble] -- Today's meeting is crazier than usual, but it isn't just a costume party. (Though if it were, Germany would have won for 'Most Shocking Costume'.)

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [Spain, England] -- He was an idiot to trust France. Yet that doesn't mean he'll allow England on his lands; he'll take care of the invader himself.

- [part nine: fill] Dear US/UK fangirls... [France/England] -- France is frustrated with all the US/UK on the meme. Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to troll.

- [part nine: fill] The Lone Star Bride [OC!Mexico, OC!Texas, America] -- Mexico takes his beautiful daughter to meet America.

- [part nine: fill] Run! It's the Crazy Canadians! [Germany, Prussia, Canada, North Italy] -- Canada bursts in late, putting Germany into a panic.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [America, France, Japan] -- Is there such a thing as a Disney ride that can strike fear into the heart of America?

- [part nine: fill] Funerals Are Not For The Dead [Germany, Hungary, Prussia] -- Feelings are raw in the blur of the aftermath. Germany and Hungary try to keep it together.

- [part nine: fill] grudge breaking [Spain/England] -- A blind date is really a blind date when you figure out it's supposed to be one...three hours later.

- [part nine: fill] Warmth [America/England] -- America knows the right cure to all his stress: just being with England.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [Edward Cullen->Prussia] -- For once, Prussia is not happy being the object of adoration.

- [part nine: fill] Rosette [America/Seychelles] -- Her skin color sets her apart from the rest, but Alfred can't help but be intrigued.

- [part nine: fill] It's All Your Fault!! [America, ensemble] -- America has no clue what's going on, other than that everyone has gone completely nuts. And what's all this about a dream? (variation of the World Financial Crisis Gangbang)

- [part nine: fill] Canada's Random Act of Braveness [Canada, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, ensemble] -- On the Swiss ski slopes, Canada fails to show the world he is a great skier, but in the end proves himself a hero.

Fic:  ★ ★  - 2 Star Fills

- [part three: fill] Baby Got Back [Spain/South Italy] -- Spain doesn't mind that South Italy has put on a bit of weight lately.

- [part four: fill] Lotus Fragrance [China/Russia] -- China attempts to convince Russia that foot-binding can be sexy.

- [part four: fill] Hellenes [Ancient Greece/Ancient Egypt] -- With the Greek conquest of Egypt comes the mingling of Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt.

- [part four: fill] Lenient Judgment [America/England] -- When England explores what would have happened if he'd shot America during the Revolutionary War, it impacts their present-day relationship.

- [part five: fill] Untitled [Denmark/Norway, Sweden, Finland] -- Denmark is determined to make Norway enjoy himself.

- [part five: fill] Gallipoli [Australia, New Zealand] -- Australia and New Zealand attend a memorial and recall Gallipoli.

- [part six: fill] Can't Feel Nothing at All [Rome, Prussia, ensemble] -- In this world, Nations don't exist and organs are there for the taking.

- [part six: fill] Rematch [Latvia/Sealand] -- Sealand teaches Latvia how to kiss with the aid of a caramel candy.

- [part six: fill] China on Omegle [China/America, Hong Kong] -- China just wanted to practice his English, but his chat partner has other ideas.

- [part six: fill] Untitled [Poland, Hungary, Russia] -- The people are dead and gone, but Poland's memories remain.

- [part six: fill] Forbidden Spice [Canada, fem!America, France, Prussia, ensemble] -- Matthew has no problem getting dates, male or female - but his sister's the one he really wants.

- [part six: fill] Feathers [America/North Italy, Spain/South Italy] -- America and North Italy haven't been together long when Italy begins to suspect that he's pregnant.

- [part six: fill] Curse of Speech [Germania, Rome] -- Germania is a man of few words, and it drives Rome crazy.

- [part nine: fill] It's PETA!! [America, OC!PETA] -- America just wants to indulge. Unfortunately, PETA can be homicidal, and very scary.

- [part nine: fill] Preparation is key [America/England, Japan] -- Japan is a man nation with a plan...for love confessions and revelations in the hot spring?

- [part nine: fill] Unexpected [Canada/England] -- Canada discovers that England's eyebrows have an interesting effect.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [England/fem!America, ensemble] -- America suddenly turns into a woman. That everyone else, especially England, is taking it so well is not comforting.

- [part nine: fill] My Immortal (Hetalia Version) [America/England, ensemble] -- "Hi my name is Alfred Fuck He’ro Francis Jones and I am the Hero of dis story ( That’s how I got my name)."

Fic:  ★ ★ ★  - 3 Star Fills

- [part one: fill] Uncontrollable [Germany->North Italy] -- North Italy is an endless source of frustration for Germany.

- [part four: fill] Boredom Spikes Up Ideas [France/Prussia/Spain/North Italy] -- Looking for something to do, the Bad Touch Trio decide to pay North Italy a visit.

- [part five: fill] Victory [England/Germany] -- England won't let Germany enjoy this.

- [part five: fill] Appreciating the Art [Cuba/Sealand] -- After Cuba rescues him, Sealand doesn't mind repaying him... but he doesn't want to do it by scrubbing floors.

- [part five: fill] Germany's Erogenous Zone [Denmark/Germany, Prussia] -- Even Germany's self-control isn't strong enough to help him when Denmark discovers the secret about his hair.

- [part five: fill] The Sweetest of Conquests [Rome/Spain] -- Rome will take what he wants from his new conquest, but he will be gentle.

- [part six: fill] It never should have happened [Prussia/France] -- Prussia takes out his hurt by betrayal on France during World War II.

- [part six: fill] Mirror [America/Canada] -- America invites Canada to New Jersey to spend the day at the beach and the boardwalk, ending with a visit to the funhouse.

- [part six: fill] New Prussia [Prussia/Canada, ensemble] -- Canada deal with his new pregnancy and keeping it secret from others, month by month.

- [part six: fill] Fit Guy Looking for Some Fun... [Prussia/Sweden] -- Prussia turns to Craigslist for company, and finds out that he isn't the only Nation doing so.

- [part six: fill] Dowry [France/America, Prussia, Spain, Founding Fathers] -- Marriage to France isn't what America wants, but he may not be able to win the war without it.

- [part three: fill] The Cure [France/England] -- France is confident that England wants him; it'll just take a little blue pill to get him to show it.

- [part nine: fill] Room Made of Glass [France/Canada] -- Even with in an imaginary scenario, the idea of being watched, of being noticed, is such a turn on for Canada.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [Nordics/Estonia] -- It is only until Estonia has been with all of them, that he could be accepted by them.

[part nine: fill] Side-Course [Belarus/Ukraine] -- Ukraine was only a distraction, the side-course, while she waited for Russia.

- [part nine: fill] NO, U SUK, USUK-BASHER [America/England] -- America and England creatively respond to a troll.

- [part nine: fill] Forbidden Love [Lithuania/Belarus, Russia, ensemble] -- Love here is twisted and forbidden, confused and hidden. Lithuania and Belarus try to find a place for their love, in the midst of all this.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [America/Canada] -- The reasoning behind switching clothes? America hasn't robbed another train, but what he's planning to do with Canada is far from innocent.

- [part nine: fill] Backdoor Virginity, eh? [America/Russia, China] -- The plan is to ensure Russia won't rape another Nation again...by letting him know exactly how it feels.

- [part nine: fill] Ascended Voyeur [Russia/Fem!America/England] -- The idea of them together is titillating. But when she's caught peeking in on the action, she didn't expect to be joining in.

- [part nine: fill] Warm me up [Spain/Prussia, Gilbird, Germany] -- There's a blizzard in Berlin and Prussia is home alone. But an old friend unexpectedly arrives and proceeds to warm things up.

- [part nine: fill] Yeah, England, he fucking likes that. [England/America, ensemble] -- What meeting? England is enjoying himself, and from the moaning and writhing, so's America.

- [part nine: fill] Forever [Germania/Ancient Greece] -- Nothing remains inviolate, and nothing lasts forever. Germania knows this, and so does she.

Art Fills

- ★ - [part one: fill] "Wait, How Did This Happen Again?" [Greece/Japan] -- Greece can't resist how Japan looks wearing Greece's uniform jacket.

- ★ - [part four: fill] Spain's Awkward Passion = Romano's Confused Pain [Spain/South Italy] -- Kid or not, Spain still finds Romano cute. (Parts 4 - 6 linked)

- ★ - [part four: fill] Untitled [America/England, North Italy, South Italy] by miyuki13 -- A remark from South Italy has England feeling unattractive, but for once America knows just the thing to say.

- ★ - [part six: fill] Trooptalia [America/England, Rome] by blulious  -- Alfred and Arthur's misadventures in the Boy Scouts.

- ★ - [part nine: fill] Untitled [Fem!England/Prussia/Fem!France] -- You know that Prussia's thinking he's a pimp. At least one person disagrees with this.

- ★ - [part nine: fill] Untitled [America/England] by blulious -- "Had a rough day?" Cuddling might make it better!

- ★ - [part nine: fill] Untitled [OC!North Korea] -- She may look cute but she's packing heat!

- ★ - [part nine: fill] Untitled [fem!America] -- In that flapper dress and those high heels, she's definitely knows a whoopee spot where the gin is cold but the piano's hot.

- ★★ - [part three: fill] Friends For Dinner [Russia] -- Russia has a big pot so he can have all his friends for dinner.

- ★★★ - [part nine: fill] Untitled [Ukraine/Belarus] - Sensual sister action, as requested.

- ★★★ - [part nine: fill] Untitled [America/Canada] -- America is enjoying his Canadian cowboy.

- ★★★ - [ part nine: fill] Untitled [America/England] -- Even with England collared and on his knees before him, America affirms who the other belongs to.

De-anoned Fills

- ★ - [part seven: fill] On Love and the New World [America/South Italy, Spain] by fivedayslater -- South Italy gains an admirer during his visit to the New World.

- ★★ - [part eight: fill] Hero's Day Off [America/South Italy, OC!New Zealand] by fivedayslater -- The solution to a lost phone is not getting jealous of the one who finds it. Ameica fails at this.

- ★★ - [part six: fill] No Known Cure [America, Canada, England, France, Russia] by dreamslikeglass -- Even as they work together to help rebuild the nation after the attacks, they don’t realize that he is right there, working with them. (De-anoned, Parts 8 - 10 linked, status changed to discontinued)

- ★★ - [part six: fill] The Drunk and Erotic Adventures of Arthur Kirkland [England, France, ensemble] by DeX-IE (FF.Net) -- England is not exactly happy about the video France shows everyone from the trip to the Netherlands.

- ★★ - [part nine: fill] Rescue [England, France, America] by iggyedingly  -- It's bad enough being under France's control. But then America had to show up...

- ★★★ - [part five: fill] The Light of Thine Eyes, and the Light of Thy Sword [Greece/Turkey] by valmora -- Turkey arranges to spend some time with Greece. It's just for the 'conversation', of course.

- ★★★ -  [part four: fill] The Language of Flowers [Japan/America, England] by yavieriel -- England tells America the meaning of Japan’s gift, and America deals with this rather well. (Complete kink meme fill posted)

Updated Entries

- ★ - [part five: fill] An Affair to Remember [Canada, England/fem!America] -- A heartbroken America comes to her brother for comfort. He decides to do better than that and help her. (Part 2 linked)

- ★ - [part six: fill] The Woods Who Whisper Naught [America, Canada, Japan] -- Three very different students attempt to create a documentary of a frightening legend. (Part 4 linked)

- ★ - [part six: fill] Mi Vida Contigo [America/Russia, OC!Mexico, Belarus, England] -- America and Russia marry each other to stop Belarus and Mexico from marrying them, but things don’t turn out so well. (Part 9 linked)

- ★ - [part six: fill] The Tower of Ice and Fog [America, Canada, England, ensemble] -- The elder of the two princes goes exploring in the city; the younger remains at home. (Parts 6 - 11 linked)

- ★★ - [part four: fill] Of Chocolates and Other Things [Canada/England, America, France] -- When Canada sweeps England off his feet, he receives a little competition from a jealous America. However, Canada refuses to back down. (Parts 6 - 9 linked)

- ★★ - [part five: fill] Locura [Spain/South Italy, South Italy/England, Prussia] -- Spain learns that South Italy loves another. Drinking ensues. (Part 2 linked)

- ★★ - [part seven: fill] Write On! [Germany/North Italy, Spain/South Italy, Sweden, ensemble] -- Feliciano is very excited about the fact that from his window he can see into the bathroom of the ferociously hot German man across the way. (Part 4 linked)

- ★★★ - [part five: fill] Matthew Williams, Vanishing Act Extraordinaire [America/Canada/England] -- Canada's invisibility lands him in yet another awkward situation, although not necessarily a bad one this time... (Parts 6 - 11 linked, complete fill linked, rating increased)


Please report any errors or issues at our main site, hetalia_kindex .

Thank you for following us!  We hope we can continue to satisfy your kink meme needs.

2010 / 09 - september 2010, update

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