Daily Update: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 - Thursday, August 12, 2010

Aug 11, 2010 18:17

 News and Information

That was quite a large update. The thing is, we've still got a lot more ready to put into the Kindex!  So expect another update very soon!

Fic:  ★  - 1 Star Fills

- [part eight: fill] Heaven Help Them [Rome/Germania] -- Rome returns from his visit to the living world with news about their cute grandsons. Germania knows exactly what Germany is in for.

- [part eight: fill] No Such Thing [America, Wolverine (X-men)] -- Logan doesn't pull punches telling this shaken American kid the truth about heroes.

- [part eight: fill] Black Eagle [Prussia, Germany, America] -- The day the wall came down and the Black Eagle was reunited with his brother is a day no one will ever forget.

- [part eight: fill] Fresh Off the Boat [America, China] -- America, working as a high school counselor, has an interesting session with a "Chinese exchange student".

- [part eight: fill] Smoking Mirror [Germany, Prussia] -- Prussia waits for Germany to finally Choose a leader and transform. Germany holds back and lies, not wanting to hurt his brother.

- [part eight: fill] In His Bones [Germany, Prussia, Austria, North Italy, Poland] -- Germany grows up quickly, but never transforms. Yet others repeatedly mention a strange cat that wanders around his house...

- [part eight: fill] Trivia [America/Hungary] -- America always does his best, in the flowing and melding memories, to remember something concrete about her.

- [part eight: fill] Convenience Store Romance [Netherlands->Canada] -- It's his first day on the job, and Matthew already encounters a very strange customer.

- [part eight: fill] The Woes of Prince Arthur / The Troubles of Alfred F. Jones [England/America] -- They love each other, but are promised to other people.

- [part eight: fill] England and Edward [England, Edward II] -- Scotland's picking on England again. Edward, England's monarch, isn't very attentive.

- [part eight: fill] Heaven Help Them [Estonia->Finland] -- Estonia can't take back the words. But it doesn't change anything.

- [part eight: fill] No Need For Apologies [Greece->Japan] -- Japan already knows Greece has joined the Allies. He doesn't need to be told this personally by the Nation in question, nor is a follow-up declaration of love now appropriate.

- [part eight: fill] I Like My Coffee Bitter and Frozen Solid [Denmark->Norway] -- Denmark nearly kills himself to declare his love for Norway. Norway is having none of it.

- [part eight: fill] You're not supposed to be here! [America/England] -- England thought he'd be lucky with a simple lunch at McDonald's with America; not that he's in love with America or anything. But an accident may have just kicked things off to another level.

- [part eight: fill] Firsties [Prussia, Germany; Japan, China] -- It's an awkward time for a growing boy man Nation. Especially if one has an older brother.

- [part eight: fill] More Native To The Heart [England, William Shakespeare] -- England cannot help but want to meet the man who loved and used his language so very well.

- [part eight: fill] Hockey [Canada, England, America, Russia] -- England thought he was doing a good thing by banning Canada from hockey. He was wrong.

- [part eight: fill] La Madrastra [Spain/South Italy] -- When Spain said he had a surprise waiting for him, South Italy wasn't expecting to be confronted with two of Spain's children.

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [America, Spain] -- Spain is so happy at the prospect of meeting South Italy, he doesn't realize the many things that were off. And he doesn't get what America means with "take a seat".

- [part eight: fill] Ma Armastan Sind, Je T'adore Aussi [Estonia/Seychelles] -- Under the mistletoe, Estonia offers more than just kisses to Seychelles.

- [part eight: fill] By the Dawn's Early Light [America] -- Since he is both - or maybe, neither - he cannot pick a side. The battle rages outside his door and within himself.

- [part eight: fill] Un Bambino Inizia [Rome/Germania, Holy Roman Empire] -- Germania means far more to Rome than any conquest. And the child that is born is given Rome's name.

- [part eight: fill] Libertà [France/Canada] -- He isn't just French and he isn't just British. He's Canada, and that cannot be changed.

- [part eight: fill] Over one hundred years is a long time [Sweden/Finland] -- A newly independent Finland goes to visit Sweden, secure in the knowledge that Sweden isn't as scary as he seems.

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [America, Afghanistan] -- America quickly learns that though Afghanistan is small and cute, she doesn't take to nicknames.

- [part eight: fill] And We All Say, "Allah is the Greatest!" [OC!Afghanistan, America] -- She doesn't want the war, or the hatred, or the pain. But through it all, she'll always be Afghanistan.

- [part eight: fill] Let's Look for it Together! [America/North Italy, Germany, England] -- America and North Italy set out to the bookstore, hoping that by learning to read The Atmosphere, Germany and England would stop being angry at them so often. They get distracted many times along the way.

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [America/England, Spain/South Italy] -- America shouldn't even have to ask Spain. He's got a tsundere lover himself.

- [part eight: fill] Why? [England, France/Canada] -- England may not like it. But if being in a relationship with France makes Canada happy, so be it.

- [part eight: fill] Innocent and insane [France, Spain/Russia] -- France needs to ask why, out of all the nations, Spain fell in love with Russia.

- [part eight: fill] Robin Hood and Little Joh-- er, I mean England [England, Robin Hood] -- Robin meets a strange man during a raid.

- [part eight: fill] The Smoke Alarm Only Sounds For You! [Germany, Prussia] -- Germany walks in on a kitchen disaster.

- [part eight: fill] On the Barricade [England/France] -- England is most affected by "Les Misérables."

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [America/Lithuania] -- Lithuania has had a small kitchen accident; America helps bandage it.

- [part eight: fill] February 19, 1942: If Day [Canada, Liechtenstein, Switzerland] -- Canada needs some help from a German-speaking Nation to carry out "If Day".

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [North Italy, Germany] -- North Italy, after designing the Winter Olympic medals, shows them to Germany.

- [part eight: fill] Sleepless Tranquility [England, France] -- Clearing his head with a little late-night rest in the rain.

- [part eight: fill] Y2K [England, Australia] -- Watching the fireworks together.

- [part eight: fill] Trail of Tears [America] -- This isn't how a hero does things.

- [part eight: fill] Snow Burn [Russia, Ukraine, Belarus] -- Russia wanders off in the snow, but then finds his way back into the welcoming arms of his sisters.

- [part eight: fill] Love is Strange [America/Lithuania] -- America is disconcerted by Lithuania's declaration.

Fic:  ★ ★  - 2 Star Fills

- [part eight: fill] l'enseignant [France/fem!England] -- The French teacher uses this lesson as an opportunity to seduce his young student. But she has some input as well.

- [part eight: fill] The men in her life [Fem!Russia, ensemble] -- Russia remembers as Europe and the world descended into the chaos of World War II.

- [part eight: fill] How To Tame A Prussian Eagle [Germany/Prussia] -- His brother, the former GDR, is very different from the proud eagle Germany remembers. But his brother belongs to him now, and requires careful handling.

- [part eight: fill] Shackled Hands [Belgium->Congo] -- She isn't responsible for the horrors inflicted on his people. Doesn't he see that she loves him?

- [part eight: fill] Pull the String [Russia] -- As the scarf unravels, so does he.

- [part eight: fill] Just Like Her [France/Seychelles] -- He first sees and loves her, because she reminds him of Jeanne. Then he comes to see and love her for herself.

- [part eight: fill] He Loves Me Not, He Loves Me [Spain/South Italy] -- They're locked in the science lab. Why not talk about their feelings towards each other? Or, even better, do more than just "talk"?

- [part eight: fill] Unfortunate [Spain/South Italy] -- Lovino has it rough. But getting stuck overnight in the janitor's closet with the cheerful and oblivious Antonio may end his misfortunes.

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [France/Prussia/Spain/beds, Sweden] -- France, Prussia, and Spain really like the selection at IKEA.

- [part eight: fill] Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child [England, France, ensemble] -- England and France would willingly take on the rest of the world, to protect America and Canada. (Note: this is a variation of the World Financial Crisis Gangbang)

- [part eight: fill] Use Your Fist Not Your Mouth [England, France, ensemble] -- They should have paid better attention to England and France's warnings, because they were serious. Very serious. (Note: this is a variation of the World Financial Crisis Gangbang)

- [part eight: fill] Works Every Time [Russia, ensemble] -- Russia shocks everyone when he reveals just how Ukraine used to calm him down as a child. He then finishes it off with a Russian reversal.

- [part eight: fill] Tying His Shoelaces [North Italy, Germany] -- North Italy sets the record straight before he shoots the gun.

- [part eight: fill] No Piano In Sight [Prussia/Austria] -- Prussia makes a delicious discovery at the club. It seems Austria doesn't only enjoy classical music.

- [part eight: fill] Strong [Germany, North Italy, Poland] -- Germany cannot live with himself like this, so he pays a visit, with some gifts, and some things he wishes to say at long last.

- [part eight: fill] One man's perfume is another's poison [Poland, America/Lithuania] -- Poland buys some perfume for Canada, but tests it on Lithuania, with unfortunate results.

- [part eight: fill] If Italian charms don't win them over [North Italy/Germany, ensemble] -- North Italy's courtship of Germany is a comedy of errors.

- [part eight: fill] lost cries of liberty [France, Jacques-Louis David, Louis XVIII] -- France, as his politics shift, as public opinion changes.

- [part eight: fill] Many Hands, Spoiled England [England, cowboy!America, mochimericas] -- England is pleased to have mochis to cuddle up with; cowboy America is not so happy.

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [Edward Cullen/America, France] -- Alfred Jones is the object of Edward Cullen's stalker-like affections.

- [part eight: fill] Petoria and the Battle For Liberty [Petoria, America, ensemble] -- Petoria, not unexpectedly, wreaks havoc on the world order.

- [part eight: fill] Obsession [Denmark/fem!Canada] -- The consequences of unknowingly catching Denmark's interest.

- [part eight: fill] The American Dream [America/England] -- England finds America being - cosseted - by his alter egos. He is not pleased.

- [part eight: fill] Always room for one more [America/England] -- A bad day changes for the better when America comes home to several Englands eager to please him.

- [part eight: fill] "Don't You 'Senator' Me!" [Russia/America, Joseph McCarthy] -- America doesn't mind what Russia's doing to him. He minds whose office Russia's doing it to him in.

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [America/Canada] -- America is quite out of sorts in Canada's house.

- [part eight: fill] Model Protectorate [Denmark, Sweden, Germany] -- "Model protectorate," Germany calls him. Well, only because Germany wants to destroy the parts that aren't "model," and Denmark happens to like them.

- [part eight: fill] Neighboring Nations [Canada, fem!Mexico, America/Russia] -- Canada and Mexico don't relate except by how they relate to America. And about Trotsky.

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [Spain/South Italy] -- Spain has less to fear from a united Italy than from the part of Italy that died in the unification and won't leave him alone.

- [part eight: fill] Daddy Denmark [Denmark/Norway, Turkey/Greece, ensemble] -- Denmark always trusts everything he reads on the internet. Including medical advice regarding Norway's morning sickness.

- [part eight: fill] Biology 101 [America/Lithuania, England, Spain] -- England takes advantage of America's concern for Lithuania and lack of sex ed.

- [part eight: fill] silk [France/China] -- Something that they both enjoy, though one would not expect it.

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [France, Poland, Germany] -- France overhears Poland and Germany returning to their roots.

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [Denmark/Norway] -- A little workplace fun, with requisite snark from Norway.

- [part eight: fill] Tap Dat Ass [South Italy/Spain] -- Waiting for breakfast to be served at Spain's house, South Italy is impatient.

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [Sweden/Finland] -- Sweden does not like phone calls interrupting his personal time with Finland.

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [Lithuania/Latvia] -- Standing at the window, in the rain.

- [part eight: fill] Tales From The Area 02-verse [cast of Code Geass] -- After the House falls, how they put the world back together.

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [America, Andrew Jackson, Native American OC] -- America argues with his Boss on the subject of his native peoples.

- [part eight: fill] The Devil's Here [America, England] -- America isn't sure what to think of England taking him to this church.

- [part eight: fill] Mi Inglaterra [Spain/England] -- England's might-have-been Queen burns, and at England's shoulder is Spain, his conqueror and companion.

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [Bella Swan, Hungary] -- Hungary is not impressed by this girl.

- [part eight: fill] Twilight Nation [Twilight characters, Hungary/Bella Swan] -- A vampire tale with a very different ending.

- [part eight: fill] Scars [Poland, Lithuania, Russia/Lithuania] -- Poland is happy to have his friend living with him now, but he doesn't understand what's wrong with Lithuania.

- [part eight: fill] When Japan met Twilight [Japan, Korea, America] -- Japan is having difficulty making up his mind about America's newest most famous literary export.

- [part eight: fill] Hurt me again (the only way to love me) [America/Russia, England, Canada, France] -- America and Russia go missing at a conference; the search for them ends with a surprising revelation.

- [part eight: fill] Much I do for my Gay-friend [Poland/Lithuania, female Nations] -- After hearing Poland's despair at Lithuania not reciprocating his affections, Hungary and the girls decide to wage a campaign in his favor.

- [part eight: fill] one fine night in dc [Greece/Japan, America, Netherlands] -- Greece and Japan discover, while at a conference in Washington D.C., that they need to go on a condom run. Apparently they pick the most interNational convenience store in the city.

- [part eight: fill] Unexpected Part [Germany/North Italy, HRE/Chibitalia, South Italy] -- The Holy Roman Empire, now that he is incarnate again, is searching for his childhood love. Even if she has grown up, he loves her all the same.

- [part eight: fill] Dans la Nuit Noire [France/Lestat, Armand, North Italy] -- During Christmas at Court, Lestat finds himself drawn to an unknown, but strangely familiar man.

- [part eight: fill] An Albino's Deathwish [Prussia] -- Prussia is too awesome for this date.

- [part eight: fill] Family Bonding [Denmark/Norway, Norway/Iceland] -- Denmark thinks it's cute, what they're trying to get up to. But he needs to show them that they're his.

- [part eight: fill] True Friends [ensemble, OCs] -- He's always had someone to look after, but now that he's not needed, something in his life is empty. Fortunately, he has friends.

- [part eight: fill] Heart and Hands [Russia, France] -- France is used to Russia's ways, but this is more than usual.

- [part eight: fill] Dude, where's my moose? [Norway/Denmark] -- When Denmark gets in a sticky situation, he calls the only one he thinks he can depend on: Norway.

- [part eight: fill] Why Don't You Ask? [Lithuania/Russia, Lithuania/England] -- Lithuania may still be broken-hearted over his breakup with Russia, but it looks like there's a new chance for love in his life with England.

- [part eight: fill] Sealand meets a Mermaid [Sealand, England, mermaid] -- There's a mermaid out in the water who wants to show Sealand something very fun.

Fic:  ★ ★ ★  - 3 Star Fills

- [part eight: fill] Tik Tok [France/America] -- America gives France a night to remember at the club.

- [part eight: fill] Saucier Than Pasta [North Italy/Germany/South Italy] -- Germany finds himself handcuffed and at the mercy of two seductive and demanding Italians.

- [part eight: fill] Softly [Latvia/Russia/Lithuania] -- Latvia and Lithuania no longer fear Russia. And they want to include Russia in celebrating a new beginning.

- [part eight: fill] Little Black Dress Files [America/Belarus] -- It's rough and hot and passionate and loveless. He can try, but he can't dominate her nor will she submit.

- [part eight: fill] Vampires and Priests [Prussia/Germany] -- Ludwig's dead brother returns, and Gilbert is all too happy to do some corrupting.

- [part eight: fill] Remember Krewo [Lithuania/Poland] -- The awful memories are etched on Poland's back. Lithuania does his best to remind Poland of better times, and hopefully help make happier memories in the present.

- [part eight: fill] Squeeze [Prussia/Hungary] -- For once, Hungary will be doing the begging.

- [part eight: fill] Dry Love [England/America] -- Both of them know that doing it this way will be painful, but that's what America wants.

- [part eight: fill] The Burdens We Bear [Canada/America, England/America, US States] -- Canada stays by his brother's side, as he gives birth to new states while his children's conflict nearly kills him.

- [part eight: fill] Not One Word [France/America/Canada/England] -- This is their special night between the four of them. And throughout, America cannot say a single word, though Canada could be as loud as he likes.

- [part eight: fill] Shrinky [America/England] -- America finds his former guardian's child-form irresistible.

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [Sealand/Poland] -- Sealand follows France's advice, determined to get recognized by taking other Nations' vital regions. But Poland is quick to point out the flaw in this plan.

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [Austria/Prussia] -- Austria dominates and Prussia enjoys every minute of it.

- [part eight: fill] Oblivious [Lithuania/America] -- Lithuania cannot understand how America could be so unaware of the effect he has on others.

- [part eight: fill] Broadway [Rome/Germania] -- They were supposed to be practicing lines. But the closest they ever get is through manhandling Germania into a skirt.

- [part eight: fill] The DD [Norway/Denmark] -- At this point, Denmark will agree with anything Norway says.

- [part eight: fill] Another French Invasion [France/Russia] -- France is going to enjoy this. And he does. So does Russia, despite himself.

- [part eight: fill] Three and a half nations [Canada/Prussia/America/Germany] -- A search for Canada during a meeting leads to a surprise discovery and something more.

- [part eight: fill] Chalk White [Denmark/fem!England] -- Reminiscing is dangerous for their kind; Denmark finds power in making England do just that.

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [fem!America/fem!Canada] -- A suddenly sex-changed Canada finds that an equally sex-changed America is very eager to discover how sex as a girl is different.

- [part eight: fill] What's a little Bondage to a German? [Denmark/Prussia, Germany] -- Germany ties Prussia's hands behind his back to keep him from getting into mischief, but when Denmark drops by while Germany's stuck in traffic, Prussia gets up to mischief anyway.

- [part eight: fill] Stretch Out and Wait [France/Prussia] -- Germany has handcuffed Prussia to a stair railing to keep him from playing pranks at the meeting. France happens upon Prussia and decides to take advantage.

- [part eight: fill] Just Like Old Times [Denmark/England] -- England takes Denmark to a concert of a certain punk rock band, and gets in the mood for some very rough sex.

- [part eight: fill] Untitled [Denmark/Norway, Norway/Iceland, Denmark/Iceland] -- It's one thing to have your brother walk out of your house (and take his damn wife with him). It's another thing entirely to come home immediately after and find your own wife messing around with his brother. Denmark decides to show both of them who's boss.

Art Fills

- ★ - [part eight: fill] Untitled [America, Canada, England, Japan, China, France, Ireland, Russia, Scotland, North Italy, South Italy, Hong Kong, Poland, Sealand, Luxembourg, Austria, Hungary, Germany, Prussia] -- The Nation-tans and their Spirit Animals / Familiars. Mythical Animals / Beings included.

- ★ - [part eight: fill] A Small Ghost [Germany/North Italy, Prussia, Holy Roman Empire/Chibitalia] -- These strange dreams bother Germany. But a small ghost may have the answers he seeks.

- ★ - [part eight: fill] Untitled [Germany, North Italy] -- Fashion maven North Italy is shocked to discover what Germany wears while putting around the house.

- ★★★ - [part eight: fill] Untitled [Denmark/Norway/Iceland] -- Denmark enjoying Norway's, er, assets while Iceland looks on.


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update, 2010 / 08 - august 2010

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