Daily Update: Wednesday, July 7th, 2010

Jul 07, 2010 23:36

Fic:  ★  - 1 Star Fills

- [part seven: fill] A Short Guide to the New Silver Moon Kingdom [Sailor Senshi] -- A short guide to the planets, Hetalia- and Sailor Moon-style.

- [part seven: fill] The Long and Short of It [cast of Fire Emblem 9] -- Bastian understands the machinations around him.

- [part seven: fill] Dixie [Canada, Laura Secord] -- Finally, recognition.

- [part seven: fill] Is It the Fourth? [America, Thomas Jefferson] -- He refuses to cry.

- [part seven: fill] Do You Believe in Magic [America] -- Magic has a very unfortunate side effect on America.

- [part seven: fill] Madness? Why, of course not! [Greece, Turkey] -- Turkey is not impressed by the scenery. Greece is not impressed, period.

- [part seven: fill] Red and White [Latvia, human OC] -- The shaking kid at the drugstore seems just as too-young-to-buy-cigarettes as he did last week.

- [part seven: fill] Federal Agency [Finland/Sweden, Sealand, human OC] -- Discussing wages in the wake of the press conference.

- [part seven: fill] Alfred is an asshole [America, human OC] -- A conversation about the G20 in a coffee shop.

- [part seven: fill] Across the Drifted Snow [Canada, America] -- Canada has an appointment with America at the end of the week, so he decides to take the fun way there: dogsled.

- [part seven: fill] Conflict Resolution aka... [Canada/fem!America, OC!Afghanistan] -- Oh, hell no. America won't be putting up with Afghanistan making moves on her man.

- [part seven: fill] Do I Dare Disturb the Universe? [America] -- Little America shouldn't go poking around England's things.

- [part seven: fill] I've Been Waiting [OC!Native America, America] -- She will stand for the indignities and pain no longer. It's time for revenge.

Fic:  ★ ★  - 2 Star Fills

- [part seven: fill] Yellow Journalism [America, human OCs] -- Coffee shops are fantastic things. Publicity leaks are not.

- [part seven: fill] Get Pissed, Destroy [England, human OCs] -- Gradual introduction, they said. Bollocks.

- [part seven: fill] Who else but France? [France/human OCs] -- Being outed does not do wonders for France's love life.

- [part seven: fill] not like purikura [America/Japan, Korea] -- Japan and Korea find a wallet with interesting pictures.

- [part seven: fill] the delicious kidnapping song [Spain/S. Italy, Germany/N. Italy, France/England] -- South Italy's combativeness is appealing to more than just Spain, but only Spain is good enough to be patient. Unlike Turkey. Hijinks ensue.

- [part seven: fill] Once More With Feeling [Prussia/America, Canada] -- Prussia overhears an interesting conversation between America and Canada. If he stuck around, he would have learned they weren't talking about his sexual prowess.

Fic:  ★ ★ ★  - 3 Star Fills

- [part seven: fill] Baby, It's Cold Outside [Canada/England] -- A Christmas present leads to more.

- [part seven: fill] Tel père, tel fils [France/Canada] -- Comforting his son, Canada, after a bad meeting turns into a lot more...

- [part seven: fill] untitled [Russia/America, France/England] -- France and England stumble upon Russia and America getting up to mischief in the conference room. They are equal parts disturbed and excited.

- [part seven: fill] Untitled [Russia/China] -- Even France is impressed with the marks that China left on Russia's neck.

De-anoned Fills

- ★ - [part four: fill] Stand on Guard [Canada/England] by violetzewriter -- Canada asserts himself: he'll go to the front, one way or another, no matter what England says.

- ★ - [part four: fill] Learning the Language [Canada/Ukraine, Russia] by violetzewriter -- Canada's got a crush on Ukraine and he learns a bit of her language in order to impress her when they next meet. It gets awkward when Russia decides to show up.

- ★ - [part five: fill] June [Canada, America] by violetzewriter -- "...Watching the fireworks celebrating your birthday is much better with someone you love. Especially when the fireworks are celebrating their birthday, too."

- ★ - [part five: fill] Canada and the Spontaneous Harem [Canada, America, France, England, ensemble] by violetzewriter -- Canada realizes the strength of the sweater vest in protecting oneself from female attentions.

- ★ - [part five: fill] The Last Saskatchewan Pirate [Canada, America, England] by violetzewriter -- America and England haven't heard from Canada for awhile. What they find instead is Pirate Captain Matthew Williams.

- ★★ - [part five: fill] Wonderland [OC/Non-nation, Prussia, Russia, Seychelles, America, Canada, England] by violetzewriter -- The first four Alices are caged by the little dream, but the final Alice will set them free.

- ★★ - [part six: fill] Prisoner [America, Canada] and its companion fic, Paper Plane, by violetzewriter -- "And in British North America came the soft, hesitant whisper of rebellion, rebellion, rebellion…"

Updated Entries:

-  ★★ - [part seven: fill] Time Will Take Its Toll on the Best of Us [France/England] -- France has had anorexia for centuries. And people take notice: not only his bosses, but especially England.  (links to Parts 9-12 and Parts 13-21 added).


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update, 2010 / 07 - july 2010

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