Update: Saturday, August 27, 2011

Aug 27, 2011 14:40

Fic:  ★  - 1 Star Fills

- [part ten: fill] The flowing blade of the wind dragon [China/Lithuania] -- China finds peace when practicing the martial arts; Lithuania is impressed by his skill.

- [part ten: fill] The Ice Cream Parlor Fiasco of Ought Ten [Liechtenstein/Latvia, OC] -- The ice cream shop owner thought he'd seen it all.

- [part ten: fill] Untitled [Canada, America] -- At least Canada's attempting to defend his brother against his detractors...

- [part ten: fill] Untitled [Canada, America, implied France/England] -- America and Canada talk about their family tree.

- [part ten: fill] A Life in Ten Minutes [Gilbird, Prussia, Austria] -- She loves her mother.

- [part ten: fill] to hold [North Italy/Germany, Prussia] -- North Italy tries to comfort Germany after everything falls apart.

- [part ten: fill] to walk with you in moonlight [China/OC!Ancient Celt] -- Before she left, she predicted that in a thousand years he would forget about her completely. She was wrong.

- [part ten: fill] Untitled [Denmark] -- Just a few things that will get Denmark in your bed.

- [part ten: fill] Tastes like ice cream [Prussia/North Italy, Germany] -- Prussia asks North Italy out on a cute date. He even manages to get a few kisses!

- [part ten: fill] war to end all wars [America/England] -- They meet when America finally enters the war. It's the beginning of a reconciliation, and a strong bond that will last for decades.

- [part ten: fill] Untitled [Austria] -- Austria wants more. Too bad he forgets he's not on his piano.

- [part ten: fill] Sakura Flowers [Japan/fem!China] -- Japan will keep China safe, both when she's awake and when she's asleep.

- [part ten: fill] Learning the Hard Way [Ensemble, OCs] -- The terrorists don't quite know what they're getting into when they decide to take over the UN building.

- [part ten: fill] Raising Fritz/Louis/Raul [France, Prussia, Spain] -- It's a competition to see which out of the three of them can look after hteir egg-baby best. THis won't end well.

- [part ten: fill] Duh. [France, England] -- England doesn't get it. France attempts to explain.

- [part ten: fill] Curious Little Things [Norway/fem!Denmark] -- Norway takes Denmark's 3AM requests for blood sausage and cat conspiracy theories in stride.

- [part ten: fill] silent&cold [Estonia, Sweden, Finland] -- On a September morning, Estonia wakes up cold. He visits Sweden, who is also suffering.

- [part ten: fill] The fanboy adventures of Feliciano and Matthew [North Italy->Germany, ensemble] -- Ludwig Beilschmidt is the lead guitarist for the successful band, "Civil War." Feliciano Vargas and Matthew Williams become unlikely but avid fans.

- [part ten: fill] Union [America, Canada] -- The union between America and Canada requires a lot of negotiations.

- [part ten: fill] Pull the Trigger [America/England] -- Something new might be happening between them. But old, painful memories never fail to raise their heads.

- [part ten: fill] Careless Gestures [England->America, ensemble] -- The nations of the world are disturbed by America's paranoia, and England worries that he may be too late to pull him out of it.

- [part ten: fill] Secret Passion [Norway, Iceland, Denmark] -- Norway and Iceland slip out of the boring economic meeting to do more enjoyable activities, all at an oblivious Denmark's expense.

- [part ten: fill] Dondurma [Turkey/Japan] -- Times, boundaries, populations, and food recipes constantly change. Some bonds, however, continue to endure.

- [part ten: fill] Mornings [Turkey/Greece] -- They've woken up late, and Greece is rushing to prepare a good meal for their expected guests. Turkey, on the other hand, would rather take his time.

- [part ten: fill] First Impressions [America/England, Hermes, Apollo] -- England is rather shocked at America's choice of new friends.

- [part ten: fill] Untitled [France->Prussia/Germany] -- France is out and looking for something hot and heavy. He finds Prussia and Germany.

- [part ten: fill] Untitled [Hungary->Liechtenstein, Switzerland] -- Hungary is on the hunt. Switzerland (and his gun) get in the way.

- [part ten: fill] Night and Day [America/England] -- England arrives tired and stressed. But when he has an embarrassing accident in the night, he's surprised at America's reaction.

- [part ten: fill] It's What I Do [North Italy->Germany, South Italy/Spain] -- The Vargas brothers somehow manage to squeeze in a little bit of lighthearted love between the murders, collections, arson, and run-ins with the police.

- [part ten: fill] Wait...oh dear! [Finland] -- The kink meme can really scatter Finland's thought processes, certainly enough to misfire.

- [part ten: fill] The Cuckoo's Nest [Ukraine, Russia, ensemble] -- Yekaterina is not "Ukraine." Her brother Ivan believes that she is, though. Then again, he thinks that he himself, along with the others in the mental institution, is also a nation.

- [part ten: fill] Reflection [fem!America, ensemble] -- Alice knows that her brother isn't cut out for war. That's why she'll serve in his place, as "Alfred F. Jones."

Fic:  ★ ★  - 2 Star Fills

- [part ten: fill] I'd Like to See You Naked, Brother [Belarus, Hungary, Russia/America] -- Belarus is converted into a Russia-shipping yaoi fangirl. Only she wants to make her fantasies real.

- [part ten: fill] And a date was made and all of Europe rejoiced [England/fem!Spain] -- Spain brings the inevitability of a union with her.

- [part ten: fill] And It Got Worse... [ensemble] -- The fourth wall is broken and scenery is chewed as the Black Death is retold in tropes.

- [part ten: fill] Don't Worry [Vatican City, ensemble] -- Everyone realizes that the conversation is making Vatican City uncomfortable.

- [part ten: fill] What Happiness Is [England/France] -- In the wrong time for it, England (Arthur) loves.

- [part ten: fill] In the Mood for a Melody [Austria/Hungary, ensemble] -- His life has been vastly changed, and not for the better.

- [part ten: fill] A New York Yankee in Lord Arthur's Court [America/England, ensemble] -- Arthur Kirkland, old English nobility, and Alfred Jones, new American money, hit it off fabulously. Or not.

- [part ten: fill] Synonyms of Silence [Russia/America] -- Ivan is not happy in this place, with this man.

- [part ten: fill] Countertransference [America, Canada, ensemble] -- Alfred's first day at work is exciting.

- [part ten: fill] Untitled [America/Russia] -- Alfred, the new doctor, takes a special interest in Ivan's case.

- [part ten: fill] The Stanley Cup is Not a Sex Toy [America/Canada] -- After hearing someone explain "Canada's history" is really all about, America feels a bit insecure in his relationship with Canada. Canada sets him straight on the matter.

- [part ten: fill] Be Careful What You Wish For [America->England] -- England wants to reconnect with America and this potion just might be the way to do it. He wasn't expecting such clingy affection...

- [part ten: fill] Getting It Over With [America/fem!Canada] -- Two siblings talk about sex and exes. It brings them even closer together.

- [part ten: fill] Untitled [fem!Cuba/fem!Canada] -- "This is the one thing Marisol likes more than soccer. She likes it a lot more."

- [part ten: fill] My life is vogue [America/England, France] -- Arthur Kirkland is determined to out-do the rookie American model. Alfred Jones, meanwhile, is having a hard time not getting distracted.

- [part ten: fill] Kinky [Germany/North Italy] -- North Italy pounces on the idea of enacting his dream with enthusiasm. Germany has gotten used to this.

- [part ten: fill] Did You Have That Ghost Dream Again [America/England] -- America recounts his dream to England. England is not amused about the pink dress thing.

- [part ten: fill] Columbia [World->fem!America, Canada] -- Canada hears, with rising fury, his bro--no, sibling's horrifying account of near rape, at the hands of those they trusted.

- [part ten: fill] Mate, Where's My Alcohol? [England/Scotland/Wales/Ireland] -- The British Isles are drunk. And naked. And getting some raunchy ideas.

- [part ten: fill] Nocturne [America->England] by liete/ secretcurrents-- America is in love. England sees this as just another affirmation of alliances, leaving heartbreak in his wake.

- [part ten: fill] Prussia's awesum five (mili)meters [ensemble] -- An extremely soap opera Hetalia.

- [part ten: fill] Better Not to Think Too Much [France, human OC] -- Private Lambda tries to wrap his mind around the Nations' existence.

- [part ten: fill] The Companion [Russia/America] by ahmerst / ihmerst / Ahmerst (FFN) -- After the fall of the USSR, Russia is desperately lonely so he decides to rectify the situation by kidnapping and confining America, because obviously that's a completely practical and normal way to solve that kind of situation. (summary by author)

Fic:  ★ ★ ★  - 3 Star Fills

- [part ten: fill] Untitled [America/England] -- America times their sex to the lines of a song.

- [part ten: fill] Mush [Russia/Latvia/Estonia/Lithuania] -- Russia's beloved sled-dog has died. But he has even better replacements.

- [part ten: fill] Untitled [Turkey/Greece] -- Heracles hates a lot of things about his relationship with Sadiq, the captain of the wrestling team.

- [part ten: fill] Sea Lion's March [Germany/England] -- Germany was just following orders. England, proud and chained, won't accept that justification, nor he will make it easy for his captors.

- [part ten: fill] Untitled [Japan/Greece] -- Greece has a very titillating dream. That dream may turn into reality.

- [part ten: fill] Untitled [Hungary->Austria] -- If only the pillow was actually Austria. Nevertheless, Hungary tops them both.

- [part ten: fill] Wish [America/England, France] -- America is in love. England wonders how come he isn't in love, too.

- [part ten: fill] Lavender [France/England] -- England wants it hard, fast, and now. France prefers to take his time and enjoy the sight.

- [part ten: fill] Untitled [Scotland/fem!England, Wales, Queen Anne] -- The death of a beloved prince draws England and Scotland into closer union.

- [part ten: fill] Relax & Enjoy the Ride [Denmark/Norway] -- Norway concludes dinner with something special for Denmark.

- [part ten: fill] In Flight Self Service [France/England] -- England (and France) use the airplane lavatory in carnal pursuits.

- [part ten: fill] Quando Parli [Spain/South Italy, North Italy, Mafiosi] -- South Italy is extremely upset that Spain speaks Italian. It ends up all right, though.

- [part ten: fill] Smell the Roses [France/England] -- Sometimes, taking the time to slow down and enjoy things as they are can be both pleasurable and enlightening.

Art Fills

- ★ - [part ten: fill] check up time ♥ [Austria/Prussia] -- Nurse Austria has some ideas of what's coming for Prussia.

- ★ - [part ten: fill] Untitled [England, fem!Norway/Denmark] -- Norway is getting ready to show England the error of his tiny magic-using ways.

- ★ - [part ten: fill] Untitled [England] -- England, modelling the latest fashion.

- ★ - [part ten: fill] Untitled [South Italy] -- South Italy, dressed as Lady Gaga.

- ★ - [part ten: fill] Untitled [Spain/South Italy] -- Spain very much approves of South Italy's tomato dress.

- ★ - [part ten: fill] Untitled [South Italy] -- Lady LoVi, in various outfits.

- ★ - [part ten: fill] Untitled [America, England] -- Angry words are hurtful. Some gestures, even more so.

- ★ - [part ten: fill] Untitled [Australia, America, Canada] -- Australia, hanging out with America and Canada.

- ★ - [part ten: fill] Untitled [Australia, America, Canada] -- A three-way, international bro-fist.

- ★ - [part ten: fill] Untitled [Australia, America, Canada] -- Australia, America, and ...some other nation have a shared goal in mind.

- ★★ - [part ten: fill] Long Live the American Empire [America] -- The black, white, and blue drugged outlines of a nation.

- ★★ - [part ten: fill] Decadence [America] -- America's got a decadent, dangerous addiction.

- ★★★ - [part ten: fill] Untitled [Hungary] -- Hungary thrusting against a pillow, pretending she's topping one of the male nations.


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2011 / 08 - august 2011, update

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