Update: Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Aug 24, 2011 00:27

Fic:  ★  - 1 Star Fills

- [part ten: fill] Nothing Lasts [England/America] -- America just can't believe this. England just doesn't care.

- [part ten: fill] What I've Always Dreamed Of [England->America] -- England's dreams come true. But dreams can be cruel.

- [part ten: fill] For Now [America, ensemble] -- America receives some song-comfort from his friends.

- [part ten: fill] I Could Have Danced All Night [America/Belarus, Ukraine, Belarus/Russia] -- Belarus's affections haven't strayed, but she did enjoy dancing with America.

- [part ten: fill] But Baby It's Cold Outside [Estonia/Finland, Finland/Sweden] -- Estonia keeps thinking that, this time Finland comes by to drink, really will be the time he's brave enough.

- [part ten: fill] Bedside Manners [Sweden/Finland] -- Despite himself, Finland takes comfort in Sweden's presence during his illness.

- [part ten: fill] A Healing Touch [Sweden/Finland, Germany] -- Finland is laid low by a cold; Sweden looks after him.

Fic:  ★ ★  - 2 Star Fills

- [part ten: fill] Hetalia World [ensemble] -- Eight nations are picked to live together in the same house. It soon becomes a question of if they don't kill each other first.

- [part ten: fill] the dead isn't the only thing that's rising in here [America/Canada] -- Of all the times to reunite with an old friend, it had to be during a zombie attack. The realization that he's attracted to said old friend doesn't come at a much better time, either.

- [part ten: fill] Mignonette [Hungary/Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein-->Belgium] -- Hungary notices that Liechtenstein is enjoying her Belgian chocolates quite a lot.

- [part ten: fill] A Little Something [Greece/Japan] -- Greece doesn't see any reason not to maintain his relationship with Japan, since it makes him happy.

- [part ten: fill] Motor Crazycycle [America, Canada, OCs] -- In a desert land filled with brigands, one man and his sidekick implement justice.

- [part ten: fill] Ave Maria [South Italy/Spain] -- South Italy prays.

- [part ten: fill] In Baby Steps [Russia/France/America] -- After a moment together in bed goes badly wrong due to old psychological scars, they all have to deal with the fallout.

- [part ten: fill] I think I have a reservation in your pants [France/America, England, Japan] -- France and America's efforts to run their restaurant are going...colorfully.

- [part ten: fill] Maybe Smile [England/Russia, France] -- England is stuck being with Russia due to a summoning.

- [part ten: fill] Untitled [female cast, ensemble] -- America presents a small screening of the musical he's been working with the female Nations on.

- [part ten: fill] First [Denmark/Norway] -- Denmark has the distinct pleasure of being the one Norway wants to learn how to kiss from.

- [part ten: fill] Untitled [Prussia] -- Prussia is extremely displeased by the number of fangirls who write Prussia/Austria.

- [part ten: fill] Little Red Tomato Riding Hood [ensemble] -- Once upon a time, there were two (brothers) sisters in red hoods, who went to visit their sick German grand...whatever.

Fic:  ★ ★ ★  - 3 Star Fills

- [part ten: fill] Blame It on the Alcohol [England/America] -- England's drunk, and he's taken a liking to America. He won't taking no for an answer.

Art Fills

- ★ - [part ten: fill] Untitled [alien!America, England] -- To say that England is "unsettled" by America's new appearance would be putting it lightly.


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2011 / 08 - august 2011, update

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