Update: Sunday, August 21, 2011

Aug 21, 2011 22:51

Fic:  ★  - 1 Star Fills

- [part one: fill] Untitled [Estonia, Finland, Sealand, Sweden] -- Sealand discovers an old toy that brings back memories of Finland's own childhood.

- [part seven: fill] That which We Fear [Greece/Japan, Ancient Greece, Turkey] -- Between the beginning and the sea, there is life and companionship.

- [part two: fill] Flowers [Switzerland/Austria] -- Switzerland's musings on how much he dislikes meetings are interrupted by Austria barging in on his communion with the flowers.

- [part five: fill] Canada = Vinland [Canada, ensemble] -- Over time, they come to learn who Canada originally was.

- [part six: fill] Sleeping...Who? [Canada, France/England] -- The child of the King and Queen (QUEEN ARTHUR?) is given a curse.

- [part six: fill] A State’s Guide to Sightseeing (in Polaroids) [England, US States] -- Snapshots of England's troubles at looking after US states.

- [part seven: fill] Flowing music [Prussia/North Italy/Austria] -- Music to keep memory brings them together.

Fic:  ★ ★  - 2 Star Fills

- [part ??: fill] Professor, There's a Fairy on Your Head [America, England, cast of Harry Potter] -- Professor Kirkland is a very interesting, but not very effective, Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher.

- [part ??: fill] Lavender Terror [America, England, Germany] -- America is starting to see Red everywhere, in everyone.

- [part two: fill] About You Now [England/America, Prussia, Canada] -- Arthur gets zero respect from his peers at school.

- [part two: fill] Untitled [Turkey/Egypt] -- A seduction through historical clothing.

- [part four: fill] All Hallow's Eve [England, ensemble] -- England is not enjoying this Halloween costume party.

- [part four: fill] Smothered [Russia/Prussia] -- Russia is enjoying having Prussia at his mercy.

- [part four, part five: fill] Momentum [America, England, Canada] -- On Halloween, England makes a deal with unfortunate consequences; America decides to gather some allies and make things right.

- [part four: fill] The Zimmerman Note [America, Mexico, England] -- America feels betrayed by Mexico's actions, especially given their history together.

- [part four: fill] Days [America/England, Canada] -- After fighting Russia out of England, America gets very overprotective. Too overprotective.

- [part five: fill] Book of War [Russia, Spain, South Italy] -- Russia think that Spain is most interesting when he struggles against his own nature.

- [part six: fill] Mission: Change [England/France, ensemble] -- This school election is even more of a joke than most.

- [part six: fill] Your Warmth Makes Me Forget the Cold Water [Taiwan/Hong Kong, China] -- A mishap with the bathwater (almost) leads to something more.

- [part six: fill] hell's a fable [Prussia, the Devil] -- A game of quotations between Prussia and a certain being.

- [part six: fill] The strength of a country [Denmark, Jewish citizens] -- The man comes knocking on their door in the middle of the night, but he is not the ones they fear.

- [part seven: fill] Restitution [Japan/North Italy, Germany] -- Japan searches for North Italy in order to apologize to him, with interest.

- [part seven: fill] Achilles' Heel [America/Russia] -- America has to be gentle in the face of Russia's fear at having his scars seen.

- [part seven: fill] Whose Clueless Now? [America/England, France/Canada] -- America is completely besotted with England, who is completely unaware. France's "help" makes things worse at first.

- [part seven: fill] Nadir [Russia/Prussia] -- Russia decides to bring GDR back into line.

- [part seven: fill] When All You Have Is Love (and a Partner in Crime) [China, Greece/Japan] -- Over alcohol, China and Greece talk about Greece's unlucky love life.

- [part seven: fill] Apologize [Sweden/fem!Finland] -- It's time for Sweden to apologize for everything.

- [part seven: fill] Rebuild [America/Germany] -- In the wake of the war, America and Germany bond over hope for the future.

Fic:  ★ ★ ★  - 3 Star Fills

- [part one: fill] Turkey and Egypt Smoking Hookah [Turkey/Egypt] -- Egypt has seen many nations come and go; he knows that the Ottoman Empire is no different, but the decadence, and the sexuality, of him does not go unappreciated.

- [part two: fill] A hatred to call my own [France/England] -- France takes the spoils of his victory where all will know he has won.

- [part three: fill] Life Lessons [Latvia/Sealand] -- Latvia explains some of the finer points of inter-Nation diplomacy to a very willing Sealand.

- [part three: fill] Why Toris disliked the royal palace [Lithuania/Poland, Prussia] -- Poland and Lithuania achieve victory, and enjoy each other.

- [part three: fill] Untitled [France/Finland, Sweden/Finland] -- France takes advantage of a Finland who's all tied up with no gift tag.

- [part seven: fill] Pirate!England/England... technically [England/England] -- A younger, more expansive England decides to fight with his older self. "Fight" being the operative word.

- [part seven: fill] Untitled [Denmark/Finland, Sweden/Finland] -- A quickie behind the couch before dinner.

Art Fills

- ★ - [part four: fill] Prussia in a Panzer uniform [Prussia] -- Prussia is really going to enjoy what comes next.

- ★ - [part six: fill] Untitled [Prussia, Russia] -- Somehow Russia's effors seem like they will be in (terrifying) vain.

- ★★ - [part two: fill] Untitled [Canada] -- Canada is thoroughly undone in the company of his teddy bear.

- ★★ - [part seven: fill] Untitled [Russia/Prussia] -- Russia presses his advantage.

- ★★ - [part seven: fill] like a cherry on a sundae [fem!Prussia/Canada]  -- Canada and Prussia expressing affection through sex.

- ★★ - [part seven: fill] Untitled [Lithuania/Poland] -- Lithuania is much less pleased about this arrangement than Poland is, even though he's the one doing the spanking.

- ★★★ - [part two: fill] Untitled [Japan] -- Japan in cat ears and a tail (with a little extra) is quite undone.

- ★★★ - [part two: fill] Untitled [England/Japan] -- Japan is enjoying both his artificial tail and the Union Jack.

- ★★★ - [part three: fill] Reclaimed [Sweden/Finland] -- Sweden and Finland reacquainting themselves to each other.

- ★★★ - [part three: fill] Untitled [Poland/Lithuania] -- Poland is not exactly enthusiastic.

- ★★★ - [part four: fill] Untitled [Hungary/Poland] -- Poland is enjoying being on the receiving end of Hungary's attentions.

Updated Entries

- ★★ - [part five: fill] Apologize [Turkey/Canada] -- Canada has had his fun. Now it's time for Turkey to mete out the punishment. (Parts 31 - 32 linked)

- ★★ - [part seven: fill] (Un)Lucky [Canada, America, ensemble] -- A case of mistaken identity leads to a tragedy. America doesn't know who hurt Canada, but he's determined they'll pay. (Parts 18 - 32 linked)

- ★★★ - [part seven: fill] Tel père, tel fils [France/Canada] -- Comforting his son, Canada, after a bad meeting turns into a lot more... (Part 10 linked)


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2011 / 08 - august 2011, update

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