Daily Update: Thursday, November 25, 2010

Nov 25, 2010 18:58

News and Information

Hello, everyone!  Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Yes, the staff works even on the holidays.  We hope this update made your day even kinkier better.

(1) We updated!  I'm sorry that we haven't been able to update more frequently.  Again, most of the staff has been tied up in RL, and as we're nearing the end of semesters for some of us, it will get even trickier.  Still, we are doing our best to keep up, even as the meme itself speeds ever faster onwards.

(2) You probably noticed a bit of a change in the tags.  We decided to parse down the "p: ____ / miscellaneous" tags to make it much easier for you to search.  Now, you can find tags with "p: (individual nation) / original nation", or historical figure, contemporary figure, or fictional character, etc.  The "p: ____ / miscellaneous" will remain for fills that deal with inanimate objects, tentacles, and the like.

(3) We hope you like our Thanksgiving unveiling of our Delicious account, aphkindex!  One of our diligent moderators has put in a lot of work into entering Parts One and Two of archives.  With this overview, the admins have also been re-tagging and editing our earliest entries to conform to our more recent system.  So, don't be surprised if you see some tags appear or reappear, or some entries to be edited!  It's just us doing maintenance to make Kindex better.

(4) Don't forget to take the Kindex Poll!  We really want to hear what you think. :)

(5) And, as usual, if you know any fics that have been de-anoned in our archives, please let us know!

Everyone on the staff wishes all of you the best! :)

- The primary admin.

Fic:  ★  - 1 Star Fills

- [part nine: fill] Food Poisoned [Spain, Prussia] -- Prussia is probably right. Despite Spain's best efforts, disaster is guaranteed.

- [part nine: fill] Snowed in. [England, Sealand, Sweden] -- A change in plans (i.e. awful weather) means that Sweden will be staying over at England's house with Sealand.

- [part nine: fill] Snow [England, America, Canada] -- In which there is much snark about the weather.

- [part nine: fill] Die Kunst der Verführung [Germany/North Italy] -- He hates North Italy, for making him feel like this.

- [part nine: fill] Clipped [Iceland, Puffin] -- Puffin cannot and will never leave him.

- [part nine: fill] Tea Time Entertainment [England, America] by Tropicalna @ FF.net -- Biscuits are dangerous.

- [part nine: fill] Role Reversal [Canada/Prussia] -- Enough of this. Canada takes Prussia away from his so-called "Masters."

- [part nine: fill] OH MAI GAWD, KILL EEEEEEET! [Ensemble] -- A threat like no other has appeared, and the world's nations are terrified out of their wits.

- [part nine: fill] Rainy Day Man [Prussia/South Italy] -- Prussia goes out in the rain to search for South Italy. Despite all his protestations, he really does care.

- [part nine: fill] Brother, My Brother [Norway/Iceland] -- Five instances when Iceland called Norway "brother," in various shades of emotion.

- [part nine: fill] Watch out for cupid, he's got a rifle [Switzerland/OC!Israel] -- The way Israel handles that gun is driving Switzerland insane. Insane enough to want to join Israel's infantry open-desert battle simulation.

- [part nine: fill] Thirteen [America/fem!England] -- England just wanted to leave and be done with all this. America has other plans in mind.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [America/fem!England] -- She wakes up in a room, having no idea where she was or how she got there.

- [part nine: fill] Austria's Problem with Skittles [Prussia/Austria] -- Austria doth protest too much.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [???] -- What a nation's got a do to make a little money.

- [part nine: fill] The familiar stranger [Benton Frasier, Ray Vecchio] -- It is important to follow your local speed limits.

- [part nine: fill] Woes of a Dungeon Master [ensemble] -- Dungeons and Dragons: a truly maddening game.

- [part nine: fill] Notes [America/England] -- England can't keep avoiding the issue any longer. Especially when America is so insistent about knowing about it.

- [part nine: fill] Doutes [Prussia, Austria, France, Germany] -- Prussia goes ballistic. His fragile younger brother, taken care of by France?! What was Austria thinking?!

- [part nine: fill] "How do you take yours?" [America, Denmark, Hungary, ensemble] -- It's a not-so-innocent question that yields some very interesting answers.

- [part nine: fill] Black as Hell, Strong as Death, Sweet as Love [America, Denmark, ensemble] by talkjive -- Everyone has their favorite way of taking their coffee and it turns into a very ...lively discussion.

- [part nine: fill] A Pole Walks in to a UN Meeting [Ensemble. Many/Poland pairings] by talkjive -- It's probably better to ask who hasn't lost their virginity to Poland.

- [part nine: fill] Bump in the Night [Canada, Russia, America] -- Canada's got time to kill, so he drops by a few friends' places.

- [part nine: fill] Salome [Spain, South Italy] -- Spain confesses his sins to South Italy.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [England, South Italy] -- England had heard about it of course, but he had to see the effect with his own eyes.

- [part nine: fill] Keep Your Eyes on the Prize, Hold On [America, Elizabeth Eckford] -- Even though Elizabeth was not able to go to school today, her nation is with her and on her side.

- [part nine: fill] Latvia's Wedding [Russia/Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, ensemble] -- Latvia didn't mean for it to turn out this way, but maybe marrying Russia won't be so bad after all.

- [part nine: fill] Style: ____ [America, England, Canada] -- England and Canada are surprised by America's expertise in a variety of dance styles.

- [part nine: fill] Enough To Go By [Russia, China] -- Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia doesn't know where to go when he doesn't want to be alone.

- [part nine: fill] Hibernate [America, Canada] -- America doesn't want to talk to anybody. Besides Canada, that is.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [America, Canada] -- That's it! No more talking with anyone else...except Canada.

- [part nine: fill] *sigh*...Boys [fem!Sealand, Sweden/Finland, Latvia, Prussia] -- Sealand is growing up and becoming interested in the opposite sex. Pity the girl, her poor parents, and everyone else involved.

- [part nine: fill] "M-Mister Russia... I'm... under you..." [Russia/Latvia] -- Latvia is being crushed under the weight of his much larger bed-partner.

- [part nine: fill] Ivan and Me [America, Russia] -- Alfred's dream of encountering an alien has finally come true, and is - even better - in his class! Except Ivan is no alien, just a very shy and awkward kid trying to adjust to a new country and language.

- [part nine: fill] How Gilbert Beilschmidt Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Potato [Prussia] -- Prussia steals some potatoes from Old Fritz’s garden and manages to come up with ways to eat them. European culinary history was changed forever.

Fic:  ★ ★  - 2 Star Fills

- [part nine: fill] Ethereal [Finland/fem!Sweden] -- Who wants a lady when you can have a badass warrior-woman?

- [part nine: fill] Untouchable [Japan/Fem!England] -- "Perhaps this was how he excited himself, she mused. Wrap the women in bolts of silk, obscure their bodies and limbs, make them lovely, untouchable, vulnerable in maddening restraints and barriers."

- [part nine: fill] Smoke In Your Eyes [Germany/North Italy] -- North Italy has certainly grabbed Germany's attention. Along with everyone else's.

- [part nine: fill] Bosses don't cry [South Italy/Spain] -- The mafia guys don't know what they've done. Not only have they picked a fight with Spain of all people, they also pissed off South Italy.

- [part nine: fill] Clear Blue [England, Norway] -- England fights for his freedom, and the right to choose his own king.

- [part nine: fill] Strange Bedfellows [South Italy/Germany, North Italy] -- South Italy's subconscious mind couldn't have picked a worse person for him to have a sex dream about.

- [part nine: fill] First Name Basis [America/England] -- Arthur Kirkland, delinquent, doesn't need a counselor. Especially one like Alfred Jones.

- [part nine: fill] Mafia Salmagundi [Seychelles, ensemble] -- All she wanted was to go to a party. She never wanted to witness a murder...or become the next target for the mob.

Fic:  ★ ★ ★  - 3 Star Fills

- [part nine: fill] Little Practicalities [Prussia/England] by ehreundblut -- It was a memorable night for both of them.

- [part nine: fill] That New Car Smell [Prussia/Poland] -- Prussia has other motives in mind than just taking Poland out for a spin in Germany's new car.

- [part nine: fill] Prussia and Denmark make a wager [Norway/Prussia, Denmark/Prussia] -- Prussia thought he could make Norway his bitch. But Norway's calling the shots, and this means a lot of sex to go around.

- [part nine: fill] The space between the both of us [America/England] -- Even if they must have an audience, this is all about them.

- [part nine: fill] Gentle Touches [Austria/North Italy] -- Because young Italy trusts him, Austria tells himself it is all right.

- [part nine: fill] England Teaches Financial Responsibility [England/Iceland, Denmark] -- Between his financial situation and fledgling magical ability, Iceland's got a lot to learn. England makes sure he won't forget his lesson.

- [part nine: fill] Happy Soviet Family [Russia/America, Lithuania] -- America has been conquered and is now at Russia's mercy. Unfortunately for Russia, his forms of torture aren't that effective in this case.

- [part nine: fill] Hold Still [France/America] -- America submits to France and savors all the thrills and experiences he brings to bed, the blindfolds, the bonds, the candles, the teasing.

Art Fills

- ★ - [part nine: fill] Untitled [North Italy, ensemble] -- The bella of the ball has just walked in.

- ★ - [part nine: fill] Untitled[Russia/Poland, North Italy] -- Poland is just trying to have a conversation when, like, Russia shows up...

- ★ - [part nine: fill] Untitled [America, Canada] -- Going head to head.

- ★ - [part nine: fill] Untitled [Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt, Greece, Egypt] -- Two mother nations watch their sons peacefully sleep.

- ★★ - [part nine: fill] Brother vs. Brother [America, Confederacy] -- The Confederacy gets rough. Real rough.

- ★★★ - [part nine: fill] Untitled [America/fem!America] by miyuki13  -- Ride 'im, cowgirl.

De-anoned Fills

- ★ - [part three: fill] Dear Romano [South Italy, ensemble] by pyrrhiccomedy -- South Italy gives out his advice.

- ★ - [part three: fill] Dear Feliciano [North Italy, ensemble] by pyrrhiccomedy -- North Italy doles out advice.

- ★ - [part seven: fill] Race Ya [Russia/America] by amygirl -- Even when having fun, it turns into a competition. And a "space" race, no less.

- ★ - [part nine: fill] I Think You're Doing It Wrong [America/South Italy, England] by fivedayslater -- England hears some very interesting sounds coming from America's office.

- ★ - [part nine: fill] Tea Time Entertainment [England, America] by Tropicalna @ FF.net -- Biscuits are dangerous.

- ★ - [part nine: fill] A Pole Walks in to a UN Meeting [Ensemble. Many/Poland pairings] by talkjive -- It's probably better to ask who hasn't lost their virginity to Poland.

- ★ - [part nine: fill] Black as Hell, Strong as Death, Sweet as Love [America, Denmark, ensemble] by talkjive -- Everyone has their favorite way of taking their coffee and it turns into a very ...lively discussion.

- ★★★ - [part nine: fill] Little Practicalities [Prussia/England] by ehreundblut -- It was a memorable night for both of them.

- ★★★ - [part nine: fill] Untitled [America/fem!America] by miyuki13  -- Ride 'im, cowgirl.


Please report any errors or issues at our main site, hetalia_kindex .

Thank you for following us!  We hope we can continue to satisfy your kink meme needs.

update, 2010 / 11 - november 2010

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