it was so hot today. walked fast to create a breeze against my face, and slow to conform sloshing liquids back to cups huddled in fear on my palm. "my face is red, isn't it?" dab-dabbed with a brown paper towel. "little bit. preeetty."
during a lull: two fingertips on my elbow, followed by pouty-warm puffs brushing wisps of my hair. guidance in the form of bare touch, slight graze, in gentlest exodus to the freezer. shut us in! let's stay forever in cold cohabitation. i like the shape of your breath.
the door muffled our names, but with jobs like ours, it's hard not to know when we're being called. could feel--almost see--the freeze peeling off our skin. stood close to each other to conserve the cold, which heated us that much faster.