My head is going to explode.

Sep 17, 2008 14:08

I have ten minutes left in an internet cafe in Moscow which has in the last three minutes become hub-central for every small boy under 12 in Kitay-Gorod. Two were standing behind us waiting for us to finish, trying to read over our shoulders. Freaking weirdos.

We have continued to fight as is our custom. Bad dreams have plagued me for a couple of nights since I came away, always about the same thing. Can't tell my subconscious is having a battle of the wills with my conscious, can you?

The trip has been pretty awesome. My postcards are currently creating a logjam-type-backlog as it's taken me two weeks of being in Russia to work out where to get stamps... apparently not from a postoffice??

My status on facebook currently says 'moody in Moscow, hoping to be splendid by St Petersburg.'

I like Europe =) Europe is nice.
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