Aug 15, 2008 07:52
For me, balance all goes back to flow.
On one axis, it's being engaged enough in the world that discoveries are happening, meeting and learning from challenges, adapting to change and stretching who I was the moment before, the movement forward -- growth.
On the second axis, it's memory and past. From here come the traditions, the steadfastness, the values, the connections, and the sustaining factors. It's the stillness, the core, the reflective knowledge of who you are at any one time.
Between the two, we hang. Everyone's needs are a little different. Sometimes choices cause the influence of the first axis to be stronger. Too much for too long leads to anxiousness, wanting to quit, stress, disconnectedness, separation, but also productivity and innovative thought.
Sometimes choices cause the influence of the second axis to be stronger. Too much for too long leads to anxiousness, wanting to move forward, stress, too much connecting to one's self through reflection, inactivity, but also understanding and wisdom and rejuvination.
I experience them both, pretty regularly. My seasons are "School" and "Summer". :) It used to be more difficult. Depression was awful in the summer, and anxiety was at incredible heights in the school year. But because I'm conscious of it, and understand it, I actively DO something about it!!!! And I DO, and I'm happy, even in the midst of uncertainty and chaos. Neither season is a bad thing - but it's the balance that's important. For me, pouring tea is taking time to write, and exercising is looking at my calendar with joy with all of the things written on it, instead of fear that I won't be able to be "perfect" in my engagement to all of them.
When you're suspended by forward and backward time in perfect balance for you, it is easy to walk forward with chin up and eyes elevated.