Aug 04, 2004 21:07
s0mmer l0vin <33
its alm0st over =( 0nly a FEW HOURS LEFT! s0 here’s a recap of one of tha best summers yet >>
*dashb0ard c0nfessional [chris carrabba t0ld him] *tuRn me 0on *charity- n0o, its n0t a tatt0o shop =) duhh *p0rky’s *flip the fut0n t0 get lucKy =D *las vegas *l0st in the airp0rt *makenna =D 0o0ohh! *psych0 m0mmasiTas *late nights.. n early mornins at vinny’s =) *pRincess=big $ *be gRacIouSs <3 *drunK joe turns Vi0lent! Ahh! *smaCkdown: jess gelly n Whit Vs. middlekauff.. t0o be continued *new rUle: n0o breaking BEER BOTTLES on other pe0ple’s HEADS.. 0ohh b0y =/ *climbin in the wind0w *g0o on with0ut me! *stealin the fence.. 0k.. TRYIN t0o. *the reindeer =) o0hh *slumber party.. 0on the BeAChh.. 0h b0y.. can y0u say fRost ByTte? *the pr0be [came & g0ne, already] *winterhavin baby =) tubin, skiin & ann0ying little girlies *warped t0ur [yikkes] *met yell0wcard [asswipes] *one hell 0f a bday.. n0t *waTers never tasted s0o good.. *nip/tUck *scatTerg0ries *cRaniuM.. raSin? *liTe bRitE *pancakes & eggs =) *mitCh & jess *siGhh
i'm sure theres t0nnnns m0re but i'm tired.. aDi0s lo0ves