This is the blog of a self proclaimed "ex-gay" Christian. He is married to a Korean woman and has two children, one of which is pictured with him on his January 3, 2010 post. Now, I believe that gay people can try and be straight (and straight people can try and be gay), but I don't think it's ever actually possible. One perfect example is my friend Ted*. He's straight, but due to the fact that all of his high school friends were gay, he tried to be gay as well. It didn't work out so well, even with hot and sweaty cute gay boys pressed up against him in the club, and he went back to the ladies.
Now, there are gay people "finding Christ" and trying to go straight all the time, and I always have to feel sorry for them. They have to deny who they truly are because they believe that it's disgusting and wrong. I want to hug them, even though they probably wouldn't appreciate the sympathy. Well, this dude, named Giraffe Pen for the purpose of his blog, is the perfect example. I mean, seeing the picture of him with his daughter, doesn't he just look flaming? The gay comes out of his every pore. And I would have to say that if he tried to hit on any girl in America, they would probably shoot him down instantly before possibly suggesting a night out for drinks with their good gay friend who's "just fabulous." And not only does he just look gay, he likes ABBA.... What more is there to say, besides the fact that no matter how hard this guy tries, he will forever and always be gay?
All I can say is that I hope, if he stays with his wife, they have a long and happy life together with their children, and I hope the whole straight-thing works out for him if it really makes him happy. Good luck, Giraffe Pen.
*Name has been changed to protect the straight.