[repost] Kaos' old Kat-tun drabbles

Jun 23, 2014 22:48

Reposting these from my LJ to this place, since they'll feel way more at home here :)

Word count: 150
X-over with L'Arc~en~Ciel
Rating: PG-13 maybe, for mild language?

What was he doing here with this bunch of... kids? Yukki wondered for the umpteenth time.

"Yes, that's good. Akanishi-kun to Awaji-san's left, Kamenashi-kun to his right. Good!"

Of course it was publicity. Of course he should be thankful to his manager. Of course him appearing in a magazine called like a root vegetable gave L'Arc~en~Ciel a fair chance to win a new audience.

"Huddle closer together, boys. And yes, give me that fierce samurai look!"

But among the six youngsters - two dressed as for a period piece and playing around with dangerous-looking katana, the others in the latest Harajuku fashion - Yukki felt old. Hyde was a father, so why not send him? Tetsu was the mother-hen of Laruku, so why not send him?

"Awaji-san, could you please smile a little more? Thank you!"

Just why had the others convinced Yukki to make his 'New World' a fucking single?


Word count: 150
Rating: PG-13

A lot of things happen. All the time. All the time a lot of things happen everywhere, all at once. Things build up, shine, go down, deconstruct and are assembled anew, in a different configuration. Things change.

So why should what was happening to him be any exception to this rule?

Change was good. Change was what made people grow. That's what Kame had to tell himself over and over. And over.

But the last change had been so very recently. He had changed. Liked his change. Misaki had been great for him. And, he told himself, he had been good for Misaki... san. It wasn't uncommon for Johnnys to be involved with older women...

And now he'd have to change - to grow - yet again? Already?

The sad truth was that every drama had to end one fine day - and every dream with it, it seemed...

drabble, f: kat-tun, c: kamenashi kazuya, c: awaji yukihiro, f: l'arc~en~ciel

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