Oct 17, 2005 15:54
I am sad to say that...
I will not be seeing Hanson this year.. I am disappointed but they have gone up to 40 bucks a ticket and I refuse to support any musician that would do that. 40 dollars is even the cheapest they are, they have ticket prices going anywhere to 100 dollars in some places. I don't understand how a small touring band maybe asks for 100 bucks a show, then they get bigger and in no way does it effect the amount of travel and then they want 10 thousand dollars a show. It just doesn't make sense to me and I will never support that, I don't stand for it. That's probably the worst news you will hear from me all month.
Other than that, I'm just sitting here and I can't sign in on myspace. I love Mark and he has no minutes on his phone so I can't talk to him and that sucks but he's supposed to call me later. I wish cool people lived in Southeast Houston so I would have somebody to hang out with, but everybody here are just fucking creepy and worthless. Besides a select few anyway (Holly not invited) :(
Holly, get online.